Part 11 (1/2)
We are just what you see. That's our only description.
But what do you want?
We want the Old Man.
Which old man?
That eternal Old Man.
How absurd! While you are seeking him, he is after you.
He is fond of warming his cold blood with the wine of hot youth.
We'll give him a warm enough reception. All we want is to see him. Have you seen him?
My watch is at night. I see my people, but don't know their features. But, look here, every one knows that he is the great kidnapper; and you want to kidnap him! It's midsummer madness.
The secret is out. It doesn't take long to discover that we are mad.
I am the Watchman. The people I see pa.s.sing along the road are all very much alike. Therefore, when I see anything queer, it always strikes me.
Just listen to him. All the respectable people of our neighbourhood say just the same thing--that we are queer.
Yes, we're queer. There's no mistake about that.
But all this is utter childishness.
Do you hear that? It's exactly what our Dada says.
We have been going on with our childishness through unremembered ages.
And now we have become confirmed children.
And we have a leader, who is a perfect veteran in childhood. He rushes along so recklessly, that he drops off his age at every step he runs.