Part 6 (2/2)
Yes, they are like the turnips, which cling to the ground.
Well, then, listen to me----
How awful! Here's Dada going to run amuck with his quatrains.
Oh dear, oh dear! The quatrains are let loose. There's no holding them in.
To all pa.s.sers-by I give notice that Dada's quatrains have gone mad, and are running amuck.
Dada! Don't take any notice of their fun. Go on with your reading. If no one else can survive it, I think I can. I am not a coward like these fellows.
Come on, then, Dada. We won't be cowards. We will keep our ground, and not yield an inch, but only listen.
We will receive the spear-thrusts of the quatrains on our breast, not on our back.
But for pity's sake, Dada, give us only one--not more.
Very well. Now listen:
_If bamboos were made only into flutes, They would droop and die with very shame, They hold their heads high in the sky, Because they are variously useful._
Please, gentlemen, don't laugh. Have patience while I explain.
The meaning is----
The meaning?
What? Must the infantry charge of meaning follow the cannonading of your quatrains, to complete the rout?
Just one word to make you understand. It means, that if the bamboos were no better than those noisy instruments----
No, Dada, we must not understand.
I defy you to make us understand.
Dada, if you use force to make us understand we shall use force to force ourselves not to understand.
The gist of the quatrain is this, that if we do no good to the world, then----
Then the world will be very greatly relieved.