Part 49 (1/2)
”What trouble?”
”I don't know all of the particulars, but I know some. From that old stone building you were to be taken to some town near by. I heard them say something about breaking into a jewelry factory, and you were to be drugged and left in the factory. I think they were going to make it appear as if you had broken into the factory, and that an explosion to blow open a safe had stunned you.”
”Can that be true?” burst from Roger.
”What cold-blooded plotting?” was Phil's comment.
”I can't give you any details, for I was--ahem!--sick at the time and did not quite understand,” went on Hooker Montgomery, and Dave reasoned, and rightfully, that he had been under the influence of liquor. ”Of course, they'll deny the whole thing. But that is what they plotted to do to you.”
”Where are Merwell and Jasniff now? Do you know?”
”Yes, they are in this town. That is why I came here--to see them and get some money, if I could, for I am dead broke. But they wouldn't see me.”
”Here!” cried Dave, in astonishment. ”Where?”
”At the residence of one of Merwell's relatives, on the other side of town. Do you want to see them?” And a sudden look of interest dawned in Hooker Montgomery's fishy eyes.
”I do.”
”Going to have it out with them?”
”Good for you, sir! I'll show you where you can find them!”
In a very few minutes Dave and his chums were on the way to find Merwell and Jasniff. As the party walked along Hooker Montgomery told more about his dealings with the rascally students. It was plain to Dave that the so-styled doctor had been nothing but a weak tool, and in a way the youth had to pity the poor wretch whom dissipation had so dragged down.
In less than five minutes the party arrived at a small residence set well back in a garden. The walk was unshoveled, and they had to pick their way through the snow. When they rang the doorbell a tall, thin elderly woman answered their summons.
”Good-evening, Mrs. Slater,” said Hooker Montgomery. ”I'd like to see Mr. Merwell and Mr. Jasniff.”
”They have gone,” was the sharp answer, and Mrs. Slater looked as if she wished to shut the door in the faces of the callers.
”When will they be back?”
”They won't be back.”
”Will you kindly tell me where they have gone?” questioned Dave.
”Who are you?” And the woman eyed Dave suspiciously.
”My name is David Porter, and I wish to see Merwell and Jasniff very much.”
”Porter! Then you must be that young villain Link told me about--the one who made so much trouble for him out on the ranch!” exclaimed Mrs.