Part 6 (1/2)

The Watchers A. E. W. Mason 41440K 2022-07-22

He cut the cards. I sat down on the bedside and dealt them.

”It is your elder,” said I.

He looked disconsolately at his hand.

”Upon my word,” said he. ”Deuce take me if I know what to discard. I have no hand for picquet at all, though as luck will have it I have very good putt cards.”

I glanced through my hand.

”I have better putt cards than you,” said I.

”It is not likely,” he returned.

”I'll make a wager of it,” I cried.

”Your horse,” said he, leaning up on his elbow. He spoke a trifle too eagerly, he sprang up on his elbow a trifle too quickly. I looked again through my hand, and I laid the cards down on the counterpane.

”No,” said I quietly. ”It is very likely you are right: I have two treys and an ace, but you may have two treys and a deuce.”

”Why, this is purely magical,” he exclaimed, with the most natural burst of laughter imaginable. ”Two treys and a deuce! Those are indeed the cards I hold.”

He fell back again in the bed, and we played our single game of picquet. He won the game. Indeed, he could not but win it, for I paid no attention whatever to the cards which I held, or to how I should draw, or--and this perhaps was my most important omission--to how Mr.

Featherstone shuffled and dealt. The truth is, I had suddenly become very curious about Mr. Featherstone. I had recalled his great politeness of manner. I remarked his face, which was of an almost girlish delicacy. I reflected that here was a man in a great hurry to travel by the same road as myself, and I remembered how I had learned that trick by which he had tried to outwit me of my horse. Even as it was I had all but fallen into the trap. I should most certainly have done so had not Lieutenant Clutterbuck once explained it to me on a particular occasion. I remembered that occasion very clearly as I sat on the bed playing this game of picquet by the light of a single candle, and I wondered whether I could fit Mr. Featherstone with another name.

”I am afraid,” said he, ”that this is a capote,” as I played my last card.

”But the loss is trifling,” said I, ”and I have kept my horse.”

”Very true,” said he, whistling softly between his teeth. ”You have kept your horse,” and as I wished him good--night, he added, ”you will be careful to shut the door behind you, won't you?”

But before the words were out of his mouth, he was seized with so violent a paroxysm of s.h.i.+vering that he could barely stammer out the end of the sentence.

”These infernal fevers,” said he, with a groan.

”I notice, however,” I returned, ”that they are intermittent,” and latching the door as he again requested me, I went off to my own room.

I could not but wonder what trickery the fire was intended to help, for until the last fit of the ague had seized him, he had given no sign of any sickness since he had brought out the cards. However, there was a more important question to occupy my mind. I had little doubt that Mr. Featherstone was Cullen Mayle: I had little doubt that he was hurrying as fast as he could to the Scillies, since he had received no answer to the message which he sent with the negro. But should I tell him of the men who watched for his coming, keeping their watches as at sea? On the one side their presence meant danger to Cullen Mayle, it could hardly mean anything else; and since it meant danger he should be warned of it.

On the other hand, the watchers might have tired of their watching and given it up as profitless. Besides I was by no means sure in what light Cullen himself was to be regarded. Was his return to Tresco, a prospect to be welcomed or deplored? Did he come as a friend to that distracted girl alone in the lonely house by the sand? I could not answer these questions. I knew Cullen to be a knave, I knew that the girl cared for him, and these two items made the sum of my knowledge.

I turned over in my bed and fell asleep, thinking that my course might be clear to me in the morning.

And in the morning it was clear. I woke up with a mind made up. I had a horse; Cullen travelled on foot; since he had come so far on foot, it was not likely that he had the money to purchase a horse, for the story of the stumble and the broken leg I entirely disbelieved, and with the best of reasons. I had travelled myself along that road yesterday, and I had pa.s.sed no disabled horse upon the way. I had therefore the advantage of Cullen. I would journey on without saying a word to him of my destination. I would on arriving take council with d.i.c.k Parmiter and Helen Mayle and seek to fathom the trouble. I should still have time to cross back to the mainland and hinder Cullen from attempting the pa.s.sage.

Thus I planned to do, but the plan was never put to the test of action. For while I was still dressing, a loud hubbub and confusion filled the house. I opened my door. The noise came from the direction of Cullen's room. I hastily slipped on my coat and ran down the pa.s.sage. I could hear Cullen's voice very loud above the rest, a woman or two protesting with a shrill indignation and the landlord trying to make all smooth, though what the bother was about I could not distinguish.

It seemed that the whole household was gathered in the room, though Mr. Featherstone still lay abed. The moment that I appeared in the doorway,

”Ah! here's a witness,” he cried. ”Mr. Berkeley, you were the last to leave me last night. You closed the door behind you? I was particular to ask you to close the door?”

”I remember that very well,” said I, ”for I was wondering how in the world you could put up with the door closed and a blazing fire.”