Part 8 (1/2)



For a few minutes Ralph stood outside of the general store, undecided what was best to do next.

It was true that the bill in Uriah d.i.c.ks' possession was his own, yet how could he prove it, and thus get it once more into his possession?

”I'll call on Percy Paget, and see what he has to say,” he thought.

”Perhaps I can make him confess how he obtained the bill, and make the amount good to Mr. d.i.c.ks.”

With this object in view the young bridge tender hurried through the village toward the hill, upon which the few handsome residences of the place were situated.

In the most prominent spot was located the mansion of Squire Paget, a Queen Anne structure, surrounded by a garden full of fancy shrubs and plants, which during her life had been Mrs. Paget's pride.

Pa.s.sing through the gate, Ralph walked up the gravel path to the front piazza and rang the bell.

He had to wait a short time. Then a slow step was heard through the hallway, and the door was opened by Mrs. Hanson, the squire's housekeeper.

”Good-evening,” said Ralph, politely. ”Is Percy at home?”

”I don't really know,” returned Mrs. Hanson. ”Come in and I will find out.”

She ushered Ralph into the hallway, and motioned him to a seat. Then she pa.s.sed upstairs.

”I guess it will be all right, squire,” Ralph heard a voice say in a nearby side room--the library. ”And you are perfectly safe in making the deal.”

”I trust so, Pickley,” came the reply, in Squire Paget's well-known sharp tones. ”It's worth the trouble, you know.”

”Of course, I get pay for my trouble,” went on Pickley, as he stepped to the doorway.

”I'll pay what I promised,” returned the squire, and then both men stepped into the hallway.

They started back on seeing Ralph, as though they had imagined no one was around. The young bridge tender made up his mind they had not noted his ring.

”Why--ah--what brings you here, Nelson?” demanded the squire, as soon as he could recover.

”I called to see Percy, sir.”

”I believe Percy is out.”

Ralph's hope fell at this announcement.

”Can you tell me where I can find him, sir?” he asked.

”He is somewhere about the village, I presume. He said he would be back by nine o'clock or half-past.”

Ralph glanced at the tall clock which stood at the end of the hall, and saw that it lacked but ten minutes of nine. Percy might be in in a few minutes.

”If you please, I will wait for him,” he said, politely.