Part 24 (1/2)
”Whatever you have to say, you can say here. I have nothing to hide from Eve, Treat, or Lainie.”
Rick scowled at her. ”You don't know what I have to say.”
”Because you won't tell me.” She became conscious of the stares they were attracting from the people around them and lowered her voice. ”Stop being so G.o.dd.a.m.n stubborn.”
”You're the one who's G.o.dd.a.m.n stubborn.”
”What's going on here?” Parker asked, joining them.
Olivia noted he took Lainie's side protectively. At least something was going right tonight.
”Good,” Rick said shortly. ”I need to talk to you too. Let's step outside.”
”Wait a minute.” Olivia grabbed Rick by his jacket before he could move. ”How do you know him?”
The look Rick and Parker shared did not give her warm fuzzies. In fact, it made her suspicious.
”Maybe we should move this to someplace a little more private as suggested.”
Olivia snorted. Her father-the voice of reason. ”Fine. There's the office downstairs.”
She turned and headed toward the narrow stairs through the kitchen, not caring whether anyone was following her. She wanted to get this over and done with so she could go home and crawl into bed.
Rick caught up to her in the staircase. She glanced at him hovering like a gargoyle at her side and rolled her eyes. She couldn't imagine what this was about but she doubted it could be as bad as he was making it out to be.
They walked into the small office and Olivia flipped on the light. Folding her arms, she leaned her hips on the desk. ”Okay, spill it.”
He shook his head. ”Let's wait for your dad.”
They didn't have to wait long. Parker strode in like it was his throne room. ”What's the meaning of this, Clancy?”
”You were right. I found this tonight.” Rick handed him a piece of paper. Parker quickly scanned it before he looked up with a frown.
Rick nodded. ”I want to know what you're going to do to protect Olivia from the backlash.”
”Okay, wait a minute.” Olivia propped her hands on her hips and regarded the two men. ”Someone needs to explain to me what's going on here.”
”There's a mole at Parker Pictures. Someone's been selling information to the press. Your father hired me to investigate a possible suspect.”
”Why would he hire you?” It didn't make sense from her standpoint. Parker had to have a team of people in Los Angeles who handled these types of issues. He was a shrewd businessman-he always made sure all his bases were covered.
”It was more conducive for me to follow the suspect as she was up here for the shoot.”
She? Frowning, she asked, ”What does this have to do with me? I don't have anything to do with the production company.”
”You're the daughter of the owner and the lover of its top director.”
She studied Rick with a frown. How did he know about her and Michael? Maybe one of her friends had mentioned it in pa.s.sing? She shrugged mentally. Rick collected information like some people collected stamps. He picked up on even random information.
Parker stepped forward. ”Clancy, there's a misunderstanding here.”
”I don't see how there is. You had suspicions, which I've investigated and proven. Now we just need to insure Olivia's protection.” Rick crossed his arms and gave him a narrow look. ”I want to know what you plan to do.”
He eyed Rick with something that resembled respect. ”Olivia's in no danger. There's nothing that can be revealed about her that would cause harm.”
”Isn't there?” Rick turned to her and stared her in the eye.
He knew. She wasn't sure why she was so certain of it suddenly, but there was no doubt in her mind that Rick knew about her baby.
She imagined it being splashed across newspaper headlines. She felt the blood drain from her head. She quickly plopped down on the desktop to steady herself.
Rick moved to her side and took her hand. ”I'm sorry.”
She looked into his eyes and knew he was apologizing for more than being the bearer of bad news.
”What does he mean, Olivia?” Parker pushed back her hair but was careful not to touch her otherwise.
”I-” She gaped at him in confusion. Was that concern on his face?
”Your stool pigeon has undoubtedly found out that Olivia was pregnant eleven years ago,” Rick said. ”According to those emails, I'd say she's about to leak the story to the press.”
”Who is she?” Olivia couldn't imagine anyone being that cold hearted. A light clicked on in her head. Except Sophie Martineau, who quite obviously wanted Michael. She looked to Rick.
”Elaine Adams,” he said grimly.
She blinked. ”Lainie?”
There was a gasp from the doorway. All three of them looked up to find Lainie standing there, pale as a sheet. Michael stood behind her.
How long had he been there? Olivia gripped the desk. But by the look in his eyes she knew he'd heard. He stared at her coldly, as if she'd killed his puppy.
Anger gripped her. What right did he have? He was the one who left her without a backwards glance eleven years ago. And he was about to do it again if that scene with Sophie was any indication.
She faced Rick and put a hand on his. ”You must have gotten something confused. Lainie's my friend. I don't believe she'd do anything malicious to me.”
Rick shook his head. ”I didn't believe it at first either, but the proof is there. Can you deny that she's wormed her way into your life? What better way to collect information? Your father obviously thought so. Why else would he ask me to investigate her?”
Lainie inhaled sharply. ”Everett, what's he talking about?”
Her father looked more tired than she'd ever seen him. He looked old. Olivia felt a leap of panic in her at the realization that he was as human as anyone else.
He rubbed his face and then gestured toward a chair. ”Sit down, Elaine. I have some clarifications to make.”
Her brows drawn together, Lainie sat primly where he indicated. Michael loomed in the doorway, arms crossed tightly.
Parker took Elaine's hand. ”I owe you an apology.”