Part 21 (1/2)
”About time you saw the potential.” She teased his lips with her teeth.
”Call me slow.” Michael arched up, trying to capture her lips.
”Baby, you haven't seen slow yet.” She bit the lobe of his ear and began to show him how slow they could go.
Chapter Twenty-seven.
”Where do you think she is?” Olivia flipped the sign on her door to ”Closed” and peeked out the window. When there was no reply, she turned around with a frown to find Eve sprawled in one of the stuffed velvet chairs, her eyes shut. ”Hey, are you asleep?”
”I wish. I'm exhausted.”
”Treat keep you up all night? Or was shopping for Lainie tiring?”
Eve grinned but didn't open her eyes. ”All of the above. Plus we've been insanely busy lately. I love that Lainie asked me to provide the pastries for the movie's wrap party, but it's a lot of work.”
Olivia dropped the bra she was rearranging and stared at Eve. ”The movie's wrapping up?”
Eve sat up straight, her brow furrowed. ”You didn't know. I'm sorry.”
”Not a big deal.” She turned her back and fussed with a display. She needed something to do with her hands. Since Michael wasn't here to strangle, fixing her display seemed a good second choice.
”Are you sure it's not a big deal?”
”Of course it's not. We all knew this was temporary. It was only a matter of time before Michael went back to Los Angeles.”
”It'd be nice if he could stay longer though.”
She could feel Eve boring a hole in her back. She forced a casual shrug. ”It won't make any difference really. It's good that he's leaving now before things go any further.”
”Is it?”
No. Her heart felt like it was being ripped out of her chest. She pasted a smile on her face and turned to face Eve. ”Sure it is.”
Eve didn't look convinced but fortunately Lainie chose that moment to rush in. ”Sorry I'm late. We had a production meeting that ran overtime. With the filming just about done, there were a lot of loose ends to wrap up.”
Of course Lainie would know the movie was just about done. It seemed like everyone knew except for her. d.a.m.n Michael.
Why hadn't he said anything to her? It wasn't like he hadn't had a chance. Their intimacy seemed cheapened or fake in light of this information.
She felt a hand on her arm. She raised her eyes to find Lainie's face, lined with concern, peering at her. ”You didn't know?”
It took conscious effort to smooth out her expression. This was Lainie's night. She'd deal with Michael later. ”It's fine. Let's get started. We don't have long to get you ready. You said your reservation was for seven o'clock?”
Olivia felt a stab of envy at the way Lainie s.h.i.+ned. The older woman was at the beginning of her romance.
She shook her head to clear her thoughts. ”Eve, where's the dress?”
”I hung it in the first dressing room.”
Lainie frowned. ”Dress?”
Eve smiled. ”You didn't expect fairy G.o.dmother Olivia to let you go off on this date without the proper attire, did you?”
”No buts.” Olivia pointed to the dressing area. ”Go change.”
Lainie tipped up her chin. ”I expect to pay you back for the dress.”
Olivia rolled her eyes. At least she didn't have to worry about Lainie not being stubborn enough to stand up to Parker. ”Of course. We aren't running a charity, after all.”
A grin spread across Lainie's face and she hurried like a child running to open Christmas presents. Several minutes later there was a squawk.
”You okay in there?” Olivia called back. This was the part where Lainie declared she couldn't wear the dress and they had to convince her she looked marvelous in it.
Lainie came out of the double doors with a slightly shocked look on her face. She stopped in front of a mirror and stared wide-eyed at herself.
The dress could almost be called modest. It wasn't tight, it had long sleeves, and the hem hit only a couple inches above Lainie's knees.
But the plunging neckline and slit on the side that revealed to her hip made the dress, as did the crimson color. It was a dress to seduce.
Lainie turned around, her gray eyes sparkling. ”I love it!”
Olivia blinked. ”You do?”
”It's perfect. I can't thank you two enough for finding it for me.” She smoothed the silk on her hips.
Olivia stared at her critically. Hair was good, lipstick needed touch up. ”You are wearing some of your new underwear, right?”
Lainie gave her a suffering look. ”Yes.”
”Freshen your lipstick and let's get you home.”
”I'm meeting Everett at the restaurant,” she said as she rifled in her purse.
”He's not picking you up?” Olivia asked indignantly.
Lainie shook her head. ”I thought it'd be easier to meet him there.” She pulled out her lipstick and went to a mirror to put it on.
”Next time, make him pick you up.”