Part 9 (1/2)

”Oh.” Lainie pointed to the lamps that lit the room. ”Did you design those as well?”


Lainie leaned over to look at one more closely. ”They're lovely.”

It'd been over a week since Lainie walked into Romantic Notions. Earlier this evening she'd run into the woman on her way out of the house and, on impulse, she asked Lainie to join them.

Olivia hadn't been sure how Lainie would fit in, being so reserved. After a gla.s.s of wine, she'd kicked off her shoes, curled her legs under her, and burrowed into the other end of the couch. She contributed to conversation shyly, but it was charming rather than off-putting. Eve and Gwen certainly took to her. There was something endearing about her, something that made you want to take her under your wing and protect her.

At the same time, she knew without a doubt that Lainie was hiding something. And she couldn't figure out what that might be.

Gwen turned to Olivia. ”So you think I should do something more cla.s.sic?”

”More Your shop is in Laurel Heights. You want to differentiate yourself from the craftsy types. I think your art could become fas.h.i.+onable. You could charge a b.u.t.tload once your name gets out.”

”I don't want my name to get out. Not in a big way.”

”But you do want to be known for beautiful art.”


Olivia nodded. ”The grand opening idea was great though. Don't rule that out.”

”I'd be happy to help you cater it,” Eve offered.

”We should talk about something else,” Gwen said. ”Lainie must be bored.”

Lainie shook her head. ”Oh no. Don't stop plotting on my account.”

”Olivia hasn't even started,” Eve said. ”She can plot better than John Grisham.”

Gwen poured some more wine for herself and offered some to Lainie. ”I didn't say Olivia couldn't still plot, but we should talk about something other than work. Get on with girls' night.”

”What do you usually do on girls' night?” Lainie asked, holding her gla.s.s out.

Gwen shrugged. ”The usual kind of girl things, I suppose.”

Eve held her gla.s.s out for a refill too. ”Like eating, drinking, and talking about men.”

”It's been a long time since I've had a girls' night,” Lainie admitted. ”Working at Parker Pictures doesn't give me much free time.”

Olivia grunted. Of course it didn't. Her father was demanding. She could just imagine Lainie's schedule. She hoped the woman received war pay.

Eve patted Lainie's knee. ”We're glad you could come tonight.”

”Enough of this.” Gwen punched the pillow in her lap. ”Let's talk about men.”

Lainie's brow wrinkled. ”What about men?”

Olivia laughed. ”Well, usually Eve tells us how scrumptious her husband is and we all drool with envy.”

Gwen perked up, her curls bouncing around her face. ”Speaking of scrumptious, I saw this guy hanging around Olivia's shop.”

”What guy?” Eve asked.

”He looks like a surfer G.o.d. He's tall and tan and gorgeous.” Gwen rolled her eyes back in rhapsody. ”He has wavy hair that's the color of syrup drizzled on French toast-”

”That sounds like Michael Wallace,” said Lainie. ”He's the director of the movie.”

”He's a stud.” Gwen sighed.

”He's a jerk.” Olivia pointed at Gwen. ”Stay away from him for your own good.”

Eve c.o.c.ked an eyebrow at her. She shrugged in reply. She was concerned about Gwen's welfare. She didn't want her friend to be taken in by Michael's sweet-talking. It had nothing to do with the thought of Gwen and Michael together. Not at all.

Lainie looked at her with wide eyes. ”How long have you known Michael?”

”Too long.”

”How about you, Lainie?” Eve asked quickly. ”Do you have anyone special waiting for you at home?”

Lainie blushed. ”No. There's no one.”

Happy Eve maneuvered the conversation away from Michael, Olivia leaned closer, studying her. ”You look guilty. There is someone, isn't there?”

Gwen smiled. ”You might as well confess. She'll pry it out of you eventually.”

”Olivia is nothing if not relentless,” Eve added.

Lainie's gaze darted to each of them and back. ”Okay, there is a man I'm interested in.”

Gwen scooted closer. ”Details! We want details.”

”There really isn't much to say. He doesn't know I'm alive.”

”He must be an idiot then,” Olivia said.

Lainie's head snapped up and her eyes flashed. ”He is not. He's quite intelligent. And very kind, despite what people think of him.”

She rolled her eyes. ”Then what's holding him up?”

”I'm not his type.”

”You're every man's type, Lainie,” Eve said. ”Don't believe anyone if they say otherwise.”

Lainie shook her head. ”I'm drab.”

”You don't have to be,” Olivia said. ”I think you wield your wool suits like camouflage. Underneath all that gray, there's a red lace kind of person.”

”You have a fairy princess kind of beauty,” Gwen said. ”I'd kill for ivory skin like yours. And to have s.h.i.+ny, frizzless hair.” She held up one of her curls.