Part 4 (1/2)

there was, most unquestionably, innate benevolence on one side, and genuine grat.i.tude on the other, the new-made friends sought repose on the same clean truss of straw, and together enjoyed the refreshment of ”nature's sweet restorer.” Not long, however, after they had thus lain down, Frank was roused from his yet imperfect slumber, by a slight rustling and a low voice, very near him. He spoke gently to his new bed-fellow, but received no reply. Frank had that tincture of superst.i.tion which usually attaches to the ignorant and uncultivated; and the unusual sound, his new situation, and the profound darkness, aided the impression; while a thought of the little negro became a.s.sociated with the recollection of several marvellous ghost-stories he had heard. He ventured, however, (not without considerable reluctance,) to feel if his sable companion was by his side, and discovered, to his amazement, that he was not there. The murmur still continued, and Frank, trembling all over him, made a desperate effort, and called l.u.s.tily, ”Samboe, Samboe!” ”Samboe here,” replied the boy, in a soft and gentle tone; ”Samboe here, but wicked boy.”

Frank's courage returned at the sound of Samboe's voice clearly p.r.o.nouncing these words, although he was at a loss to account for his self-accusation. ”Why, what have you done to be wicked; where are you?” he enquired. Samboe's imperfect knowledge of the English language, permitted him not to understand the full import of these questions; and it was not until Frank, with renewed courage at finding his companion was really a mortal, contrived to make him understand his repeated enquiry, why he had risen, and why he called himself wicked? ”Because Samboe forgot lesson dear Missy Delaney teach him. Pray to great G.o.d before sleep; pray to great G.o.d when eyes open; pray to good G.o.d give food; pray to good G.o.d give friends.”

Frank now understood, that Samboe, in the novelty of his situation, and probably from the effects of a little porter he had taken, had forgotten to offer his simple tribute of thanks and respect to the omnipotent Creator, which the good Mrs. Delaney had taught him habitually to do; although he was too young when she died, to admit any further religious instruction, or to understand more than that a great G.o.d, beyond the blue sky, observed all his actions.

Samboe had never, until this night, neglected this lesson; but, with uplifted hands and bended knee, was accustomed to acknowledge the protection and the support of the Being he had been taught to regard, as ever beholding, and with unwearied care protecting, all men. Sleep, however, had not closed his eyes, ere the omission was recollected, and he had crept out of the straw, to offer his simple orison, the low murmur of which had so much alarmed his new friend. Having concluded, he returned to his straw couch, and slept the sleep of innocence, untill awaked by Frank rising to his morning duty in the stables.

Frank possessed an intelligence of mind, as well as activity of spirit, which required but opportunities to develope themselves. The incident of Samboe's forgotten prayer, impressed his youthful mind. How was it he had never been taught to pray? He had never seen it practised among those he had been with. He thought people went to church to pray; yet surely if a black boy thought it right to pray, a white boy ought. Perhaps it was a custom among them? Yet, such was the innate impression he had, that it was right and proper, that he felt a species of shame to answer Samboe in the negative, when he artlessly enquired if he did not pray to great G.o.d, to take care of him; he, too, who knew so many things: for, to Samboe, Frank seemed a miracle of cleverness, when he described his various employments, and displayed, to his astonished visitor, the results of his ingenuity, which he did with no little self-complacency.

Samboe seemed now the happiest of human beings. He suffered nothing to pa.s.s unnoticed; asking the reason, the use, the name of every thing he heard, or saw, or touched. This he contrived to do, either by broken words, gestures, or signs. The new-made friends thus pa.s.sed several hours of the morning, before the groom made his appearance; for, although his apartments were above the stables, he did not often occupy them, finding numerous engagements more pleasant than attending to his duty.

The only unpleasant circ.u.mstance of this morning of delight to Samboe, was its chilliness. It was one of those which frequently occur in May, as if to reprove the hastiness of the family of Flora, in putting forth their fair forms; and its asperity was severely felt by the little African. Frank determined to make him as comfortable as he could; and having received no orders to the contrary, lighted a fire in the groom's room, and invited Samboe to its genial warmth, while he quickly prepared a comfortable mess of milk-pottage.

They were thus enjoying themselves, when the master of the house appeared, half awake, and storming at Frank for a lazy dog, for not having swept the stable-door. But he supposed he and the beggarly neger had been idling away their time together. Frank, who was used to his arbitrary temper, said little; but, making signs for Samboe to return to the loft, he quickly prepared every thing for his master's toilet, and proceeded to rectify the omission of not having swept the door-way. While thus engaged, a servant from the house arrived with an order to the groom to take the negro-boy to a clothes-shop, and have him neatly clothed, until a a proper dress could be fixed upon; as he was to have an interview with his mistress and young master, who neither of them could bear the smell of tar, exhaling from the filthy things he wore.

This message, delivered in due form to the groom while he was shaving himself, nearly endangered his cutting his throat, by the resentful agitation it caused, that he should be appointed to wait upon a neger. It was a degradation which he could not, nor would not submit to. Following, therefore, the example of his superiors, he delegated the office to his subordinate; and calling loudly for Frank, as soon as the messenger had left him, he desired him to take the black he seemed so fond of, to Mr. Draper's, and get him rigged. ”And mind ye, Frank, boy, call at the 'potecaries or 'fumers, and bid 'em pour some musk or lavender, or something sweet over the lad, for missis is very particular; and as to Master Fred, I shall have him trying how my legs will bear the exercise of his new hunting-whip, if I do not please him about this black, who, I dare say, will not be long before he feels it. But I suppose he has been used to flogging, so it will be nothing to him.”

Frank, highly pleased with this important commission, called the s.h.i.+vering boy from the hay-chamber, and in no long time he was completely equipped, in a suit according to the taste of Frank and the vender: certainly as stiff and ill made as it well could be; while the effusion of lavender-water was completely accomplished, even till the poor boy's eyes became filled with tears, from the potency of the perfume, and every person he pa.s.sed on his return, half stopped, at meeting with the unusual odour.

Samboe, however, had yet some hours to become reconciled to his new habiliment; and his friend Frank had so many modes and sources of employment and amus.e.m.e.nt, that those hours pa.s.sed insensibly away. At length, about four o'clock, the groom again appeared to conduct him to the house; and when arrived, a footman desired him to follow him to the apartment of his lady, previously to her taking her morning airing.


”I would not have a slave to till my ground, To carry me, to fan me while I sleep, And tremble when I wake, for all the wealth That sinews bought and sold have ever earn'd.”


From the reciprocation of the heart's best affections, which had marked the short period of Samboe's acquaintance with Frank, we may now follow the young stranger to the inanity of an Anglo West Indian boudoir; in which were Mrs. Penryn, reclined on a chaise longue, a young lady spangling some delicate muslin, and Mr. Frederick Moreton standing at a distant part of the room. The footman having opened the door, pointed to Samboe to enter, and immediately closed it upon him, leaving the timid boy to the scrutinizing looks of Mrs. Penryn, the oblique attention of the young lady, and the supercilious glance of the boy, who was engaged in the humane employment of holding a live mouse by the tail, as high as his arm could reach; while a kitten, eagerly attending to its writhings, kept springing, instinctively, to catch it, and as often, from the violence of the exertion, fell back on the floor. Had it not been for the chill which pervaded his frame, in his way to this apartment, Samboe might have thought himself in the West Indies, both as to the temperature, and the luxurious ease displayed in the arrangement of it. An elegant Persian carpet, entirely covered it; sofas, ottomans, and couches, invited to indolence and repose; ornaments of the richest and most expensive materials, vases, cabinets, &c. adorned it; and a number of tropical birds, of beauteous plumage, displayed their captive state in superb cages of various elegant forms; while of great magnitude and exquisite beauty were displayed in different parts of this superb room, with considerable judgment and taste; and a rich glow seemed communicated to every object, from the light pa.s.sing the draperies of beautiful rose-coloured taffety curtains. Plants of the loveliest bloom and most exquisite odour, completed the fascinations of this luxurious apartment, tastefully arranged in beautiful baskets and vases, reflected by the superb mirrors, of which there were several on each side of the room.

Mrs. Penryn, half raising her pale and spiritless form from the sofa on which she was reclining, was the first to break the silence which followed Samboe's introduction. ”Come, Fred, do give Frolic the mouse, and look at this boy. He will serve to amuse you, I hope; for I think the dogs, the cats, the mice, and the flies, have had enough of you. Come, did you ever behold such an uncouth creature as George has made him: why the boy looks as if he were in a wooden case. He must not appear about you, till he has something fit to put on.”

This feeling harangue did not divert the young gentleman from his amus.e.m.e.nt for some minutes, till at length, more it would seem from his own fatigue, than from any motive of compa.s.sion for the poor animals, he gave the cat its natural prey; and it retired swearing, as its murmur of triumph is styled, to enjoy the feast, under a sofa at the further part of the room. ”Now, Lavinia,” said Mrs. Penryn, addressing the young lady, ”give us your opinion, my dear; your taste is so good: what dress shall we have for Fred's page? He will like whatever you decide upon, I dare say.”

”Dear me, do you think so?” replied Miss Lavinia, in the most affected tone: ”Mr. Frederick seldom asks my opinion, I think.”

”He is but a boy, and you will excuse him, I'm sure; but really this dress must be left to you.”

”Certainly,” replied Lavinia, ”he must have something different from that he now wears, which is only fit for the stable.”

”And a very good place too, I think,” remarked the polite young gentleman, as he threw himself at his length on a sofa, rousing by the action a little white terrier, which had been reposing quietly upon it. The dog uttered a cry, and jumped on the floor.

”Poor Erminet cannot be quiet even here,” said Mrs. Penryn, angrily: ”I wish, Fred, you would look before you lie down: I dare say you have lamed my pretty Erminet.”