Part 21 (1/2)

Chapter 27.

”I'm going to check out the Clacker's new course, see what I can learn from the s.h.i.+p,” Cilreth said happily. The Terran part of the team had returned to Clacker while s.h.i.+ny ascended to orbit to reunite with his s.h.i.+p Telisa had named Thumper.

”Aren't you annoyed that the Trilisk got away?” Telisa asked. She felt a bit more comfortable since Arakaki had retired to a lavish room they gave her half an hour ago. She trusted Magnus's a.s.sessment, but it would take time for her to build up her own trust of a stranger.

”Nothing wrong with me my new superhuman body isn't going to fix right up!” Cilreth said brightly.

”Are we really going to do that? I mean...”

”Why not? We live on the frontier; there's no enforcement of any kind out here. And even by UNSF rules, we have the right to alter our own physiology. Look, a couple more decades and you're going to be singing my song, lady,” Cilreth said with a bit of an edge.

”Something tells me if the UNSF knew that right was about to include immortal superhuman bodies, they would restrict it,” Telisa said. Even as she said it, she felt the old anger again: how dare they dictate to everyone how to live. She had just convinced herself wrong with her own argument.

”All the more reason to resist them, to fight their rules,” Cilreth said.

I guess I agree; it's my choice. But the question is, what if everyone got that choice? What would the repercussions be?

”I say go for it,” Magnus chimed in. ”You'll have forever to think over the ethical consequences of your act.” He smiled.

”Guys, we have a major problem! s.h.i.+ny's s.h.i.+p just blew up!” Cilreth reported.

”What!?” Telisa sent back.

”His s.h.i.+p exploded.”

The Trilisk must have done something.

She traded astonished looks with Magnus. Before they could think through how bad the news was, Cilreth delivered an update.

”s.h.i.+ny's not dead! He's coming to the Clacker on a small s.h.i.+p. I have no idea what's up. I'm sending you a pointer to the bay he's headed for. Maybe go meet him in person?”

”Okay,” Telisa said. ”We'll meet him and hope he's not a Trilisk.”

”Weapons!” Magnus snapped. Telisa checked hers. His rifle was out.

Telisa and Magnus ran through the Terranized sections of the Clacker. The s.h.i.+p was so large it still had areas for Vovokans, with natural-looking interiors and a sandy floor.

They arrived at a ma.s.sive airlock with a large circular iris door. The arriving s.h.i.+p wasn't mated with the Clacker yet, but Telisa saw she could connect to s.h.i.+ny.

”What's going on, s.h.i.+ny?” Telisa transmitted.

”Joining Clacker,” the buzzing voice replied. ”Bringing UED personnel. Did not apprise them of nature of vessel or host.”

”What happened to the Thumper, I mean?”

”Destroyed s.h.i.+p to increase chances Trilisk neutralized.”

Arakaki walked up behind Telisa and Magnus. When she saw their weapons, she drew her laser.

”What are you doing here?” Magnus said out loud.

”Cilreth told me the other UED survivors from the s.h.i.+p may have blown up.”

”They should be here in a few minutes,” Magnus said. ”As far as I know they're all coming. Maybe you can help get them settled in. I don't think they've met s.h.i.+ny, but I get the feeling you are about to.”

Arakaki nodded.

”s.h.i.+ny says he destroyed his s.h.i.+p hoping to destroy the Trilisk!” Telisa said. ”I don't believe it. Does that make sense to you?”

”Not really,” Magnus said.

”That's a pretty extreme step,” Arakaki said. ”It may have worked, though. Suppose the Trilisk has the equivalent of a stealth suit. It may have been anywhere. And it's sharp. Advanced. It could accomplish anything given time.”

”So he pulls a fast escape and blows his own s.h.i.+p up to kill it. All on a hunch?” Telisa said.

”To s.h.i.+ny, that s.h.i.+p is expendable,” Magnus thought out loud. ”I guess I could see him sacrificing it if he thought there was a 10 percent chance he'd catch the Trilisk by surprise.”

”I thought we were going to capture it,” Arakaki said. ”Not that I'm complaining. I hope the d.a.m.n thing blew up.”

No one fielded any more theories before the s.h.i.+p connected to Clacker. The Vovokan airlocks were huge and circular. The iris before them opened soon after the arrival of the Thumper's escape vessel.

s.h.i.+ny emerged, pattering in on dozens of legs. Arakaki visibly recoiled.

”d.a.m.n. That thing makes Cthulhu look cuddly!” Arakaki exclaimed. Her laser pistol hand wavered, but she didn't point it at s.h.i.+ny. ”Uh, no offense,” she added.

”It's s.h.i.+ny, of course,” Telisa said. ”You get used to it.”

”Right.” Arakaki didn't sound any happier.