Part 14 (1/2)
I'll take apart this entire city hunting you.
Suddenly a voice addressed her link. ”Neat trick. What do you want here?”
Her link was configured to only carry messages from strangers straight through if they were in close proximity. After all, anyone that close could just speak out loud if they wanted.
Arakaki jumped to one side. Placing her back to the wall, she trained her weapon on the grill to her right. Then she drew a laser from her belt with her left hand and pointed it the other direction.
”My name is Magnus. I'm hunting an alien creature. It is very dangerous. I suggest you leave right now.”
”Wheretheflipareyou?” she said out loud.
”Shhh. I'm not coming out to get shot, if that's what you want. Are you hunting me or the Konuan?”
He must be from that s.h.i.+p.
”The Konuan,” she replied over her link. ”Are you with the s.p.a.ce force? We saw you land.”
”All you need to know is I'm hunting the Konuan and it's in this building with us. I have robots stationed around the exits.”
”Those little scout robots? It's more dangerous than you think.”
”Just tell me how to kill it.”
Arakaki recognized that edge to his voice. The man who spoke to her was angry at it.
Like me.
”It's fast,” she said. ”It can sense us from farther away than we can sense it. Hearing, I think. It has technology, too.”
”It has tech? How? These ruins-”
”Are built on top of a Trilisk outpost,” Arakaki finished for him. ”Now that I've given you valuable information, how about you tell me who you are?”
Magnus materialized before her. He was a soldier. Arakaki could tell that right away. He was strong, with blonde hair. He wore Momma Veer and held an older rifle in his hands. His rifle was pointed at her heart. She doubted her skinsuit could save her at point-blank range.
Okay, well, that rifle isn't current.
”Ex UED?” she asked quickly, hoping against hope. If he was a remnant of another unit, the out-of-date rifle would make sense. Maybe he'd had to scavenge.
”s.p.a.ce force, actually,” he admitted slowly. ”Though I'm no longer a soldier. And to be frank, no longer a friend of the world government.”
Everyone still called it the world government, even though there were many more than one Terran-controlled world now. The words were old enough to take on meaning of their own. Politically, it was still the only world that really mattered. Other planets had large populations and healthy industries, some of which had risen up against Earth, but they hadn't been able to resist the UNSF.
Arakaki waited for hatred to come. But she only felt sad as she chomped on the tough bit of synthetic in her teeth. Of course he wasn't UED. Not in that huge new s.h.i.+p.
”That's a big s.h.i.+p you guys brought. Is it full of scientists or soldiers? Or both?”
”It's an alien s.h.i.+p, and we're here to find Trilisk artifacts,” he said, deadpan.
Buckle bulb? No, dammit. He has to be telling the truth.
Before she could answer, he continued, ”I know it's crazy, but right now we have the Konuan to worry about. You look like you can handle yourself. Stay if you want, but I'm blowing that thing to bits.”
Arakaki's link added a monitoring service hosted on his link. ”A hack? Why should I let you try?”
”It's the data feed from the robots I have in and around the building,” he said.
Arakaki accessed the service. She saw the positions of six machines. Four waited at grilles near the entrances to the building, and two others were on a lower floor, centrally located. There was something odd about their sensor maps. They had an extra layer to the display labeled ”ma.s.s map.” Some kind of fancy new ma.s.s sensor suite?
He sure is trusting me quickly. Stupid b.u.g.g.e.r.
”Cross me if you want,” he said, as if reading her mind. ”Do it after it's dead. You must have known someone it killed. I'm a human like you, it's not even close. We get it first, okay?”
Arakaki nodded. ”I'll add you to my grenade signature blacklist.”
”Same here,” he said. ”I recognize that PAW. What's that there? Laser?”
”Yes. I don't even know what hurts the thing. But it's killed plenty of men with PAWs.”
They listened for a minute, watching the feeds. Magnus knelt with his back against a column that ran from one side of the floor vent to the ceiling vent. Arakaki did the same, facing another direction.
”These buildings are tricky,” Arakaki said. ”You can see through half the building in any direction through these grilles, yet any room could have an ambusher waiting in a corner out of sight.”
”I have to search. I lost a friend,” Magnus said. She could hear it was true. ”She's tough. Got a lot of tricks up her sleeve. There's a chance she's not dead. So I have to go looking.”
”It'll kill you for sure,” Arakaki said. ”It knows you want to find your friend. It'll wait for you.”
”Stay here. Or help search. Up to you,” he said.
He's not going to abandon his friend. Stupid, yet admirable. ”Which way first?”
”Crawl through that vent. Then we head that way. We can cover each other a bit,” he suggested.
”The best we could hope for is one of us shoots the thing while it eats the head off the other,” Arakaki said coldly.
”You're familiar with it, then,” Magnus said. ”All I know is what you told me. It's fast, and a hit-and-run type of creature. Has tech. Good hearing. Likes to attack the head.” The man's Veer head guard came up across the back of his head.
”It's a Konuan, like you said. They were nasty things, fast, thin, like umbrella-shaped bats that can hang from the ceiling. When they open up, they can almost completely cover you then snap back shut. Then digest you with acid spit or venom.”
Arakaki moved slowly. She didn't plan to shoot Magnus, at least not yet, but he was still watching her.
And with good reason. I have two deadly weapons and I'm UED. But he wants his friend and he knows I can help. Or die trying.
”Acid. I guess that makes it easier to dine on any creature made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen no matter what planet it's from,” Magnus said.
”I think it just does it to kill us. Look, I was serious when I said the best we can hope for is for one of us to kill it when it kills the other one of us. I suggest stay in sight of each other. If I point my weapon at you, just duck.”