Part 26 (1/2)

”Good,” he said with a glimmer of humor. ”I didn't know who you'd turned into back there. I thought-”

”Nick, I mean it. This is never going to work.”

Two lines of annoyance appeared between his dark brows. ”Come on, Laura. We've talked about this. It can work.”

”No,” Laura said, her voice rising. ”We haven't talked about this, Nick. And it can't work. Look at us. Look at tonight.”

”Why?” he said. ”Come on, I know they're a bit hard to take, but-”

”You don't get it, do you?” said Laura, trying not to shout at him, to cry, to hit him. ”Can't you see? You're them. They're you. You're part of this.” She waved her arms around her. ”The whole thing, the house, the history, all of your family. All of it. It's ma.s.sive. And you're trying to pretend it doesn't matter, but it does, Nick. You talk about it as if it's something abstract, or as if it's a condition, like being allergic to apples, or having a fear of spiders, as if it's just a vague inconvenience. And it's not, it's the whole d.a.m.n thing with you.”

”It's not,” he said, taking her hands, folding them in his like he always did. He shook his head blindly. ”Laura. If I can't have a normal life outside it, I'm doomed. Of course all this is important to me, it has been since Dad died and I had to come back here and start looking after things. It's been the most important thing. But there are other things, too,” he said, and he leaned forward and kissed her.

His lips were on hers, insistent, hot against her cool skin, and her heart physically ached; she hadn't realized it could. She would never forget how it felt when he kissed her, what it was like. How it felt to hold him, to feel him on top of her, inside her, his hands on hers. Perhaps that was all that mattered. But then she remembered the expressions on the faces of his relatives as they walked in. She remembered the portrait of the seventh marquis, proud and handsome. Cynthia, the tour guide, telling her rapt audience that the Needhams had fought in the Wars of the Roses. Nick and his sisters, reenacting their own personal Hogarth paintings as children. The gardeners, the servants, the houses, the all whirled around in her mind, Rose's voice telling her how lucky she was when Laura knew she wasn't, she'd probably just got it wrong. Again. And she had to get out, before she hurt Nick more than she'd already hurt herself.

She pulled away from him, and saw George's trusty, beloved Rover lined up in the darkness next to the battered old Range Rovers and a Rolls-Royce.

Nick stepped back, his arms falling heavily by his sides, and looked at her in disbelief. ”You're actually going to throw this all away, because you're an inverted sn.o.b,” he said angrily.

”If you like,” said Laura, keeping her emotions in check with one last herculean effort.

”You're a coward,” he said, his voice harsh, his fists clenched. He shook his head. ”Coward.”

She turned and walked toward the car; she took the keys out and, trembling, tried to unlock it. Her hands were shaking. He watched her as she opened the door.

”You know, I actually thought I might be falling in love with you,” he said quietly. He stepped away, turned around, and walked toward the house, and didn't turn back once.

Laura drove out of the stables onto the long, wide driveway, not daring to look in the mirror in case she caught sight of Chartley behind her, or the figure climbing the steps at the front to disappear inside. Tears rolled down her cheeks; she gripped the steering wheel, and put her foot on the accelerator.

”The trouble is, I've already fallen in love with you,” she said softly to herself as she reached the end of the long, long drive, and turned onto the main road, back toward home.

part three.

chapter thirty-two.

S o, what's she like?”

”What are they like together?”

”I heard she stayed the night, did she? G.o.d. So has she seen him being himself yet?”

”Yes, you know. Really Yorkyish. Awkward and yet bizarrely self-confident,” said Hilary, stubbing her cigarette out in the ashtray, her long, elegant fingers squas.h.i.+ng the b.u.t.t like a helpless insect. She wiped her fingers and looked up expectantly. Next to her, Jo nodded patiently.

”I don't know!” said Laura, laughing and holding her hands up in protest. ”I haven't seen them together yet.”

Jo moved the crisps into the center of the table. ”But you have seen her, though, right?”

”Becky? Of course!”

”So, she's not...imaginary?”

”No!” said Laura. ”Poor Yorky. Of course she's not imaginary.”

The three of them were sitting in Jo and Chris's newly designed garden, enjoying the warm evening and Jo and Chris's John Lewis garden table and chair set, a wedding present of which Jo was inordinately proud. The French windows were flung open, music was playing softly in the kitchen, and, way back in the sitting room at the front of the house, Chris and his brother, Jason, were watching telly. It was Sunday evening, and Laura had arrived back from Norfolk early that morning.

She had crept out of the house, waking only her mother, saying she had a lunch to go to that she couldn't miss. She had left a note for Mary, and had already embraced her inner guilt about not saying a proper goodbye. But she couldn't stay there any longer. She had to come back to London, or else go mad with thinking about what she was leaving behind.

Here, in Jo's tiny, welcoming back garden, sitting with Jo and Hilary and a bottle of sauvignon blanc, she could imagine it had all been a dream. She knew she would think about it later, that it would hurt, that she would think about him, but here, right now, on a warm July evening, she asked nothing more than to sit with two friends and chew the fat over a few of wine.

”So,” said Laura. ”What's happened while I've been away?”

Jo and Hilary looked at each other. ”Nothing, really,” said Jo. ”Yorky having a date with someone is the most exciting thing that's happened to me for a long time.” She paused. ”Ooh, though. Me and Chris are going to Australia next month! I forgot that bit. And we bought some lovely eggsh.e.l.l paint for the bathroom.”

Hilary looked disgusted and rolled her eyes at Laura, but Laura said, ”Right-eggsh.e.l.l, that's great, but-Jo! You're going to Australia, wow!”

”Yes,” said Jo, clapping her hands. ”I am so excited, I can barely speak. It's like a delayed honeymoon, and we weren't going to go, but we had three weeks booked off anyway, and we got these flights, we're going!”

”You lucky things,” said Laura. ”I'm going to miss you! Three weeks, my goodness.”

Jo took her friends.h.i.+p responsibilities very seriously. ”I know,” she said, patting Laura's hand. ”Perhaps I...well, obviously I'm not going to not go, but we should talk. If you need me. You know.”

Laura laughed. ”I'm not that hopeless, you know.”

”Yes, you are,” said Hilary. ”Look at the mess you got yourself into when you and Jo weren't speaking back in the spring.”

”Thanks,” said Laura. ”Charming.”

”Sorry. But you know what I mean,” said Hilary, as Jo held Laura's hand. ”Talking of which, I hear all is not well in paradise. Or Miami, to be more precise.”

”Eh?” said Laura, pouring Jo and herself another gla.s.s of wine. She looked up to see Jo making cut-throat gestures at Hilary. ”What do you mean?”

”Miami?” said Hilary. ”Who's there at the moment, do you remember?” Laura looked blank, and then recognition dawned on her face. ”There you are. I b.u.mped into that ghastly friend of Amy's yesterday. Camilla? The fitness instructor?”

”She is ghastly,” said Jo loyally.

”Anyway, she let slip that Dan and Amy were on their way back. Early. They've had a ma.s.sive row.”

”Really?” said Jo. She looked at Laura anxiously. ”Oh, Laura...”

Laura smiled at her. ”It's fine, really.”

”Oh, Laura,” Jo said again, staring at her. ”He'd better not...ooh, if he tries to get in touch with you, I'm going to tell Chris to Have a Word.”

”Have a f.a.g,” said Hilary unemotionally. She gave Laura a quick smile. ”Thought you'd want to know, anyway.”

”Thanks, Hil,” said Laura. ”No thanks. Look...” She shook her head. ”I can't explain why, but it really is okay. Good luck to them. I hope they work it out, seriously.” She rummaged in her bag as diversionary activity, looking for her lip salve. As she was holding her phone, it beeped, a text message. It was from Nick. She didn't open it, see what it said; she just stared at her phone, almost in disbelief. No, no. This was her real life now, that was a dream.