Part 15 (1/2)

He wasn't going to play puppet for the d.a.m.ned Jinn.

He'd throw himself into the nearby fires first.

Prepared for battle, Uriel frowned as the Jinn ignored his presence and instead concentrated on the female vamp who struggled in his grasp.

”Did you truly believe you could abuse my offspring and not pay the consequences?” he roared.

Marika futilely clawed at the Jinn's arm, her nails unable to penetrate the s.h.i.+mmering silver coat he wore that matched his trousers.

”You're dead,” she wailed, the stench of her desperate fear filling the air.

A malicious smile curved the Jinn's lips. ”My physical connection to your world was severed, which is the only reason I did not destroy you the moment you threatened Laylah. But now . . .” The lavender eyes glowed with antic.i.p.ation. ”Now you are in a domain where I can easily travel.”

”No, please.” Marika went limp in his ruthless grasp. ”This is a mistake. It was Sergei who wanted to hurt Laylah. All I've done is try to protect her.”

”You are correct, it was a mistake,” the Jinn readily agreed. ”One you shall learn to regret for the rest of eternity.”

”Kata. Help me,” Marika pleaded. ”Tell him that I'm innocent.”

Uriel muttered his opinion of females who had more courage than sense as Kata was suddenly standing at his side, her hand clutching his arm in an effort to keep herself upright.

”Innocent?” she hissed in disbelief.

”I'm your sister.”

”You're an abomination and I hope you spend the rest of your very long life screaming in endless agony,” Kata hissed.

The Jinn glanced toward Kata, an oddly wistful expression softening the venomous beauty of his face.

”Your wish is my command, my lady,” he murmured.

With disgusting ease the Jinn tossed Marika upward, a wave of his slender hand freezing her in midair. The b.i.t.c.h appeared more startled than alarmed at first. Then, murmuring a soft word, the Jinn released his power and the distant lightning was suddenly altering its course to strike her slender body with sickening force.

Over and over the lightning bolts slammed into her and Marika's shrieks filled the air, along with the horrifying scent of burning flesh.

Scooping Kata off her feet, Uriel turned her away from the hideous sight and darted down the pathway. He didn't think for a minute they could escape the Jinn, but Kata had endured enough without witnessing Marika's brutal torture.

Whatever she'd done to Kata, she had once been her sister.

He'd managed to go far enough to mute the vampire's screams when the pathway before him abruptly crumbled into nothingness. Skidding to a halt, Uriel carefully set Kata on her feet before turning to confront the approaching Jinn.

”That's close enough,” he warned, his sword eager to draw some Jinn blood.

Perhaps sensing his suicidal thoughts, Kata placed a restraining hand on his arm.

”Uriel,” she pleaded softly.

The Jinn's attentions s.h.i.+fted in her direction, his expression once again softening.

”Kata.” His voice was low, hypnotizing as his hand stretched out to lightly touch her cheek. ”As beautiful as ever.”

Grabbing Kata by the waist, Uriel pulled her away from the beautiful demon, his primal mating instincts overcoming any hope of sanity.

He would kill anything that tried to take away his mate.

”Don't. Touch. Her.”

Big surprise, the Jinn simply laughed.

”Did you not learn your lesson on the last occasion our paths crossed?”

Without warning Kata stepped between the bristling males. ”Please.”

The Jinn gave an obedient nod of his head, obviously devoted to the beautiful gypsy.

”Regretfully, I don't intend him harm.” He flicked a disdainful glance in Uriel's direction. ”He has served his purpose.”

Uriel frowned. ”My purpose?”

”The most powerful of Jinns are given the talent for premonition. I knew that Kata would need a protector and that it could not be me.” His lips curled into a sneer. ”You were chosen.”

”That's why you bound me?”

”It was the only means to give you the power you needed to keep Kata safe.”

”And?” Uriel prompted, unwilling to believe that the Jinn could be so selfless. Not when he vividly recalled the creatures words of warning during their last encounter.

You shall be athe instrument of his revenge . . .'

The lavender eyes warmed with an evil amus.e.m.e.nt. ”And I needed you to live long enough to lure Marika into my lair.”

Uriel shook his head in disgust.

He'd been so determined never to become the Jinn's puppet, and yet, he'd been dancing to his tune all along.

Far less conflicted by the Jinn's machinations, Kata stepped forward to lightly touch his cheek.

”Thank you,” she said softly.

Uriel growled deep in his throat, but Kata was swiftly moving back to his side, leaning against him as he placed a possessive arm around her shoulders.

”Now what happens?” he demanded.

”Now you return Kata to the world where she belongs.” The Jinn lifted his hand and Uriel felt a wrenching pain as his connection to the demon was severed. ”Treat her well.”

All the fury and frustration and ruthless dread that had plagued him for the past two hundred years was forgotten as Uriel gathered Kata in his arms.

He didn't care why he'd been chosen to be Kata's savior. Or what had happened between the two of them in the past.

The future was all that mattered.