Part 13 (1/2)

”The sailors came to sh.o.r.e in it,” said Sir John quietly, ”so why should we mind?”

”But it seems so slight and thin,” faltered the boy to his father.

”Are you afraid, Jack?” asked Sir John gravely. ”If so you had better stay on the pier while we go.”

The lad was silent. That he was afraid was plainly written in his face--plainly, that is, to those who knew him. To a stranger it would have seemed to be the pallor of his complexion.

Sir John said no more, but made way for Doctor Instow to step down into the boat, and at a sign he descended and held out his hand to Jack.

”I can manage, thank you,” said the lad, and he jumped down on to one of the thwarts, and then, without a.s.sistance, took his place in the stern sheets; his father and the captain followed, the latter gave a short, sharp order, the boat was vigorously thrust away into the stream, and the next minute the four men were sending her along with a regular stroke which seemed to make the slightly-built boat throb and quiver.

For a few minutes the utterly foreign sensation was absolutely painful to the boy; and as the land appeared to glide away from them, a sensation of giddiness attacked him as he sat hearing conversation going on, but understanding nothing, till, as he turned his eyes in the captain's direction, he saw that this gentleman was watching him curiously.

A pang shot through him, and the blood began to rise to his white cheeks, as he made a tremendous effort to master the miserable sensation of abject fear which troubled him, and succeeded so far that in a minute or two he was able to give himself the appearance of looking about him, as if examining the boats they pa.s.sed.

”There, young gentleman,” said the captain suddenly, ”there's the _Silver Star_. What do you say to her? Doesn't she sit the water like a sea-bird?”

Jack looked at the graceful curve and taper spars of the vessel, and began to wonder at the way in which she seemed to grow as they drew nearer; or was it that the boat in which he was gliding onward was shrinking?

He had not much more time for examination of the delicate lines traced upon the sky by the yards and cordage, for the boat was cleverly run close up, the oars tossed on high, and as the bowman hooked on to a ring-bolt the boat was drawn beneath a side ladder.

Jack felt the tremor returning as he thought of the danger of such an ascent, when his father said in a low voice--

”You did that very bravely, my boy; now make another effort.”

Jack was on his feet in an instant. He stepped forward, seized the lines on either side of the ladder, and climbed up very clumsily, but managed to reach the deck without accepting the a.s.sistance of the mate and one of the men, who stood in the gangway and made room for him to step for the first time in his life upon the deck of a s.h.i.+p.

Sir John and the doctor followed, and the captain remained silent, while his visitors stood gazing about the clean white deck, where everything was in the most perfect order, ropes coiled down so that at a distance they looked like pieces of engine turning, the hand-rails of polished bra.s.s and the s.h.i.+p's bell glistening in the suns.h.i.+ne, and the pair of small guns seeming to vie with them. The sails furled in the most perfect manner, and covered with yellowish tarpaulins, yards squared, and every rope tight and in its correct place and looking perfectly new, while the spare spars and yards were lashed on either side by the low bulwarks, smooth and polished till they were like ornaments.

”Well,” said the doctor at last, ”I am not a sailor, Captain Bradleigh, but everything here appears to be in the most perfect condition.”

”I hope so, sir. My men are proud of our vessel, and we do our best.”

Sir John glanced at the men, who were all at their stations, and felt a thrill of satisfaction as he noticed that they well deserved the term of ”picked,” being the smart, athletic, frank, manly-looking fellows we are accustomed to see in the Royal Naval Reserve.

The captain then led the way to the cabins, which were thoroughly in keeping with what had been seen on deck, elegantly decorated and furnished, and with every inch so contrived that the greatest of convenience was given in the smallest s.p.a.ce. Berths, steward's room, cook's galley, all were inspected in turn, and then the captain opened a door with a smile.

”I don't know whether you gentlemen care for sport, but Mr Ensler had this little magazine fitted up, and it is well furnished.”

The contents seemed nothing to Jack; but the doctor and Sir John exchanged glances of surprise, as they saw on each side the sliding gla.s.s doors in which, in the most perfect order, were ranged double and single fowling-pieces, rifles from the lightest express to the heaviest elephant guns, as well as a couple of large bore for wild-fowl shooting and one with its fittings for discharging or harpoons. Lances, lines, nets, dredges, sounding-lines, patent logs, everything that a scientific sportsman or naturalist could desire.

”There's a good magazine forward, gentlemen,” said the captain, ”which I will show you by and by, with, I should say, an ample supply of cartridges of all kinds--the best. Cartridge and ball for the big guns, and many chests of empty bra.s.s cases, canisters of powder, and bags of all-sized shot, and the like, so that I may say the yacht is well found in that respect.”

”But these are Mr Ensler's,” said Sir John, who appeared thoroughly interested, while his son looked on and listened in a careless way.

”Well, yes, sir, his, of course; but they go with the boat.”

”At a valuation?” said the doctor.

”Oh no,” replied the captain, smiling. ”Everything in the yacht-- stores, provisions, extra tackle, spare anchors, cables and sails--and I'll show you directly, gentlemen, the stores are well worth looking at--go with the yacht at the price named. I wouldn't be answerable for the state of some of the tinned provisions, of course, for they've been on board some time, but they were of the best, and I have had them gone over, and only found a few cases to condemn.”