Volume 3 Chapter 1 Part1 (1/1)
NOTE: Incomplete translations are marked as ”teaser” Complete translations aren’t If I feel like it, I’ll further the translation If I don’t, I won’t Hence, ”whimsical” Stuff may be dropped or continued, or both, or alternately, at any second without notice
Volume 3 Cover
Finally! Voluo:
I expect volume 4 (if there’ll be one) to be released in about four es per week There’ll be a 10-20 pages release every 1-2 weeks For now, no illustrations I’ll add those once I got a digital copy I’ll release in parts, since the whole volues per chapter Every part will get its own post
That’s it regarding Kusoge in specific There’ll also be changes in how I categorize translations in general:
Coorized under ”Coorized under ”Teasers” (d’oh) Once I get a meta release done, all orization Exaets released as a whole -> all full chapter releases will be stripped off of all of their categories
This will help keeping the categories ”clean” However, it’ll still be very e” I’d rather delete the whole post and only have it as a redirect to the ”e, but I’ve no idea how I can’t si/indexing Leot a solution for that
There’ll also be an e-mail subscription feature of some kind in the feature, I’ll look into that on the weekend
This week’s release will be a bit larger (20 pages) since I was too lazy to release last week for some reason (I did translate, however!) And yes, I do know that for soe, and I’ve no idea why It seems to happen once I convert the doc into PDF That worked fine until now and the page count on the bottole Docs Well, it won’t kill you and I don’t wanna postpone the release any further ;D
Now have fun reading and leave a comment if you like!
Iht be ood ht not update before the whole chapter’s done Please just use the search function on et to those