Part 32 (1/2)
The half dozen savages in the water were wading across the river towards the bateau, evidently in the belief that the party had deserted her. They continued to hoot and yell, while they advanced, as though they intended to storm a garrisoned fortress, instead of capturing a deserted bateau.
”I reckon thet'll do now,” said Rattles.h.a.g, as he raised his long rifle to his shoulder, and aimed at one of the savages. ”Don't you fire, Ethan, till I've done.”
He discharged his piece, and fully sustained his reputation as a dead shot, for the foremost of the Indians dropped, and was carried down the stream by the current.
”Don't you fire, Ethan,” repeated the trapper, as the enthusiastic boy raised his gun. ”No need o' killin' no more on 'em.”
The remaining Indians in the water had discovered their mistake, and were making towards the opposite sh.o.r.e with all possible haste. They had not expected such a reception, and appeared to be glad to escape with no greater loss.
”Ho, ho, ho!” shouted other Indians on the sh.o.r.e.
”We are gittin' into a bad,” said Ethan, dissatisfied because Rattles.h.a.g had prevented him from firing at the savages. ”There's more 'n a million on 'em over thar.”
”Them's Lean B'ar's Injins that's yellin'. Don't you see 'em? They was nigh enough to hear the shootin' and the yellin', and they've kim back to keep them redskins from hurtin' on us--don't you see?” added Rattles.h.a.g, pointing over at the three mounted savages who had just dashed up to the bank on the other side of the stream.
”So they be; and hyer kims the rest on 'em.”
At this instant the other three of the escort galloped wildly over the prairie, and before the voyagers could reach the boat the Indians intercepted them. Like those on the other side, they uttered wild yells, and seemed to be as much excited as though they had been actually engaged in battle.
The exiles had not intended to hold any communication with their escort, dreading the treacherous nature of the savages; and when the three Indians approached, Ethan promptly placed himself in a defensive att.i.tude. Though the escort continued to yell, they did not offer to attack the voyagers. They stopped on the bank of the river, where the bateau lay. One of them dismounted, and leaped into the boat. With his scalping-knife he cut the bonds of Wahena, and taking the boy in his arms, bounded to the sh.o.r.e again.
Ethan's heart sank within him, when he saw that the captive, upon whose presence he had relied for the safety of the party, was wrested from them. Rus.h.i.+ng forward with his rifle, he took aim at Wahena, disregarding the earnest remonstrances of Rattles.h.a.g.
”No shoot! no shoot!” exclaimed one of the savages--the one who had before acted as Lean Bear's messenger. ”No kill, no hurt.”
”Don't fire,” pleaded f.a.n.n.y. ”If you should kill Wahena, they would butcher us all.”
The Indian boy saw her as she stepped forward, and immediately began to talk in the most earnest manner to the savage who held him.
”No hurt!” shouted the spokesman of the Indians. ”You go--no kill; no kill, no hurt.”
Wahena, after struggling for some time with the brawny savage who held him, escaped from his grasp, and, to the surprise of the voyagers, rushed over to the spot where f.a.n.n.y stood. Seizing her hand, he shook it warmly, and then began a series of violent gesticulations, which were at first unintelligible. He dropped on his knees, clasped his hands, looked up to the sky, and then beat his breast. He pointed to the boat, intimating by his signs that she was to go on board. She obeyed, and was followed by Ethan and the trapper. The party stepped on board, and to the astonishment of all, Wahena followed them, and took the seat he had occupied during the voyage.
Ethan and Rattles.h.a.g pushed off, and when the bateau began to move down the river, Wahena shouted to the Indians, and pointed down the river, indicating that they were to follow, as they had done before. The Indian boy's signs on sh.o.r.e were now interpreted to be an expression of his grat.i.tude to f.a.n.n.y for her kindness to him, and a prayer to the Great Spirit for her safety.
If the party in the boat were surprised at the singular conduct of Wahena, the Indians on sh.o.r.e were still more astonished; but he spoke a language which they could understand, and they sullenly resumed their march down the river.
The captive was now treated as a friend. Though he could not have known what the contract between his father and the voyagers had been, except so far as he had learned it from the subsequent events, he had voluntarily surrendered himself, and insisted upon seeing f.a.n.n.y conveyed to a place of safety. Almost every day while they had been on the island, she had sung her sweet songs to Wahena, and he had listened to them with rapt attention. As the boat slowly went its way, he begged her by signs to sing, and she complied. He expressed his pleasure, which was shared by Ethan and Rattles.h.a.g, by the most eloquent signs.
During the day, Ethan and Rattles.h.a.g slept, while f.a.n.n.y steered the boat. Wahena, no longer in bonds, kept close to her. He intimated in his dumb language that he wanted to take the helm, and gently took the tiller from her. He was soon proficient in steering, for there was now nothing to do but keep the boat in the middle of the river, and occasionally to trim the sail.
At night f.a.n.n.y and Wahena went to sleep again, and the management of the boat was divided between Ethan and the trapper. The next morning the bateau had entered the Big Woods, and the sail was nearly useless, for the forest obstructed the wind, and the voyagers were mainly dependent upon the current of the river for the little progress they made; but on the afternoon of the third day of the journey, they came in sight of a town, which Rattles.h.a.g said was not more than twelve miles from Mankato. The Indian escort then hailed the boat.
”No go more,” said the spokesman.
”I reckon 'twon't be safe for 'em to go any further,” added Rattles.h.a.g.