Part 22 (1/2)
”'s.h.!.+” said Ethan, impressively. ”They're comin'.”
The light step of the moccasoned feet of the savages was now distinctly heard in the barn. Their guttural jargon grated harshly on the ears of the fugitives in their concealment, as they tremblingly waited the issue.
Above the voices of the other savages, the harsh and heavy tones of Lean Bear were prominent. He spoke in the Indian dialect, and of course the anxious fugitives could not understand what he said; but he seemed to be angry and impatient, disappointed and chagrined; and Ethan and f.a.n.n.y readily inferred that, as he was searching for them, he was the more ferocious because he could not find them. They lay silent and motionless in their hiding-place, hardly daring to breathe, lest a sound should reach the quick ears of their relentless foes.
The Indians searched in every nook and cranny of the barn where a human being could possibly be concealed. They climbed to the top of the mow, pulled over the hay, jumped upon it, and thrust their knives deep down.
The fugitives felt the weight of the pursuers pressing heavily down upon them; they realized that the points of the b.l.o.o.d.y knives were within a short distance of their vital organs; but, breathless and silent, they lay in the most agonizing suspense, expecting to be dragged from their retreat, and subjected to atrocities which it froze their blood to think of.
The remorseless miscreants howled with disappointed rage as the search was abandoned. f.a.n.n.y and Ethan drew a long sigh of relief when they heard their foes on the floor beneath them. The good Father to whom they prayed so earnestly had dimmed the eyes of the savages so that they could not see, and the danger of that terrible moment pa.s.sed by them. f.a.n.n.y breathed her thanks to G.o.d for her safety--she did not dare to speak them.
The savages consulted together, using brief, sharp, and exciting sentences. Their words were not understood, and no clew to their future purposes could be obtained. Lean Bear spoke in tones even more savage than he had used before, and the steps of the Indians were heard as they left the barn.
”Hev they gone?” asked Ethan, in a convulsive whisper.
”Yes, I think they have,” replied f.a.n.n.y, in a tone not less agitated.
”Let us thank G.o.d that we are still safe.”
”Don't whistle till you get out o' the woods,” added Ethan, who referred, not to the thanks, but to the exultation which his companion appeared to feel at their apparent safety.
”We must be thankful and submissive, Ethan. We have been saved this time, whatever may happen next.”
”I am thankful.”
”I know you are. We must trust in our Father in heaven if we expect him to hear our prayer.”
”'s.h.!.+” interposed Ethan, as he became silent and motionless again.
The voices of the Indians were heard near the barn again, and other moments of agonizing suspense were in store for the fugitives. The gruff tones of Lean Bear rose above those of his companions, and it was evident that they had not yet given up the search.
”Ho, ho, ho! He, he, he!” yelled the monsters, which cries were to them expressions of satisfaction.
It was painfully clear to Ethan and f.a.n.n.y that the Indians had made some important discovery, or done some act which would accomplish their purpose. More agonizing than the thought came the reality, a few moments afterwards, while the wretches outside of the barn were still shouting their hideous yells. A smell of smoke, accompanied by a sharp, crackling sound, a.s.sured the waiting, trembling couple in the hay-mow that their worst fears were realized. The Indians had set fire to the barn.
”We are lost!” exclaimed f.a.n.n.y. ”They have set fire to the barn!”
”'s.h.!.+ Don't say a word,” interposed Ethan.
”We shall be burned to death!”
”Don't give up; keep still.”
”Keep still?” repeated f.a.n.n.y, amazed at the self-possession of her companion. ”We shall be burned to death in a few minutes.”
”Don't say nothin', f.a.n.n.y.”