Part 10 (2/2)

Hope and Have Oliver Optic 24160K 2022-07-22

”And after you, too.”

”I didn't steal it.”

”Well, you were with me, and I will give you some of it.”

”I don't want any of it.”

”Don't you?”

”No, I don't; I don't think it is fair for you to try to make it out that I helped you steal the money, when I didn't, and when I didn't know anything about it.”

”You knew I had some money before you got into the boat. You are scared--that's all.”

”I am scared, and I wish I hadn't come.”

”I wish you hadn't, because you are so frightened; but now you have gone so far, you can't back out. You want to return to Woodville, and tell them I stole the money.”

”No, I don't.”

”I'm never going back to Woodville again. They have been talking about sending me to my uncle's, in Minnesota, and I'm not going to be sent there.”

”What shall I do, then?” demanded Kate, awed and astonished at the desperate purpose of her friend.

”I will see that you get back home all right. Here is some money to pay your pa.s.sage,” added f.a.n.n.y, counting out a portion of the bills.

”I don't want that.”

”Very well,” answered f.a.n.n.y, putting the bills in her pocket; and she looked so firm and so ”ugly” that Kate was actually afraid of her.

The Greyhound had nearly reached the pier at Pennville; but f.a.n.n.y did not intend to land at any public place, and she ran the boat up to the bank of the river, a short distance above the village, grounding it lightly on a kind of beach she had chosen as a landing-place. f.a.n.n.y took the boat-hook in her hand, and jumped ash.o.r.e.

”Now, Kate Magner, before we go any farther, we must come to an understanding. If you think you are going to leave me to bear all the blame, you are mistaken.”

”I don't mean any such thing,” replied Kate.

”Yes, you do; you mean to betray me.”

”No, I don't.”

”Why didn't you take the money I offered you, then?”

”I don't want it.”

”You are in the boat, and I am on the land. If you don't take the money, I will push the boat off, and she will carry you away--I don't know where.”

”Don't do that.”

”Will you take the money?”

”Yes, I will,” answered Kate, who was more afraid of the boat than she would have been of a demon.
