Part 18 (1/2)

And just as the universe is penetrated through and through by the malice of those whose universe it is, so we may suppose that the ethereal ”medium” which surrounds all souls, before they have visioned their various ”universes” and found them to be one, is a thing which also may be affected by malice. It is an open question and one which, in the words of Sir Thomas Browne, ”admits a wide solution,” whether or not this ethereal ”medium,” which in a sense is of one stuff both with the objective mystery and with the substratum of the soul, is itself the ”elemental body,” as it were, of a living ubiquitous soul.

If this should be the case--and it is no fantastic hypothesis--we are then provided with an explanation of the curious malignant impishness of those so-called ”elementals” who tease, with their enigmatic oracles, the minds of unwise dabblers in ”psychic manifestations.”

But what we are concerned with noting now is that just as the primordial malice of all the souls it contains continually poisons the universe, so the primordial love of all the souls it contains continually redeems and transforms the universe. In other words it is no exaggeration to say that the unfathomable universe is continually undergoing the same ebb and flow between love and malice, as are the souls and bodies of all the living things whereof it is composed.

And what precisely is the att.i.tude of love towards the physical body? Does it despise the physical body? Does its activity imply an ascetic or a puritanical att.i.tude towards the body and the appet.i.tes of the body? The truth is quite the contrary of this. What the revelation of the complex vision indicates is that this loathing of the body, this revulsion against the body, this craving to escape from the body, is a mood which springs up out of the eternal malice. It is from the emotion of love in its att.i.tude to the body that we arrive at the idea of the sacredness of the body and at the idea of what might be called ”the eternal reality of the body.”

This idea of the eternal reality of the body springs directly from those ideas of truth, beauty and goodness which are pre-existent in the universe and therefore springs directly from that emotion of love which is the synthesis of these.

The forms and shapes of stars and plants and rivers and hills are all realized and consummated in the form and shape of the human body. The magic of the elements, the mystery of earth and air and water and fire, are incarnated in this miracle of flesh and blood. In the countenance of a human child, in the countenance of a man or a woman, the whole unfathomable drama of life is expressed. The most evil of the children of men, asleep or dead, has in his face something more tragic and more beautiful than all the waters and all the land.

Not to ”love” flesh and blood, not to will the eternal existence of flesh and blood, is not to know ”love” at all. To loathe flesh and blood, to will the annihilation of flesh and blood, is to be a victim of that original ”motiveless malignity” which opposes itself to the creative force.

This insistence upon ”the eternal idea of the body” does not necessarily limit ”the idea of the body” to the idea of the human body; but practically it does so. And it practically does so because the human body evidently incarnates the beauty and the n.o.bility of all other forms and shapes and appearances which make up our existing universe.

There may be other and different bodies in the unfathomable s.p.a.ces of the world; but for those among us who are content to deal with the actual experiences which we have, the human body, summing up the magical qualities of all other terrestrial forms and shapes, must, as far as we are concerned, remain our permanent standard of truth and beauty.

The subst.i.tution in art, in philosophy, and in religion, of other symbols, for this natural and eternal symbol of the human body is always a sign of a weakening of the creative impulse. It is a sign of a relative disintegration of the power of ”love” and a relative concentration of the power of ”malice.” Thus when, by an abuse of the metaphysical reason, ”thought-in-the-abstract” a.s.sumes the rights of a personality the principle of love is outraged, because the eternal idea of the body is denied.

And when, by an abuse of the psychological reason, the other activities of the soul are so stressed and emphasized that the attribute of sensation is forgotten, the principle of love is outraged, because the eternal idea of the body is denied. The principle of love, by the necessity of its own nature, demands that the physiological aspect of reality should retain its validity.

When, therefore, we come to consider the relation of this ”eternal idea of the body” to those invisible ”sons of the universe” whose power of love is inconceivably greater than our own, we are compelled, by the necessity of the complex vision, to encounter one of those ultimate dilemmas from which there appears to be no escape. The dilemma to which we are thus led may be defined in the following manner.

Because the secret of the universe and the ultimate harmony between the pre-existent ideas by which all souls must live can be nothing less than what, in this rarified and heightened sense, we have named ”love” and because the objective pattern and standard of this love is the creative energy of those personal souls we have named ”the sons of the universe,” therefore ”the sons of the universe” must be regarded as directing their desire and their will towards what satisfies the inherent nature of such love. And because the inherent nature of such love demands nothing less than the eternalizing of the idea of flesh and blood, therefore the ”sons of the universe” must be regarded as directing their desire and their will towards the eternalizing of the idea of flesh and blood.

And just as the will and desire of these ”invisible companions of men” must be regarded as directed towards the eternalizing of this idea whose magical ”stuff of dreams” is one of the objects of their love, so the will and desire of all living souls must be directed towards the eternalizing of this same reality. And because the love of all living souls remains restless and unsatisfied when directed to any object except the ”eternal vision” and because when directed to the ”eternal vision” such love loses the misery of its craving and becomes satisfied, therefore the ”eternal vision” must be regarded as the only object which can ultimately and really satisfy the eternal restlessness of the love of all living souls.

But the inherent nature of love demands, as we have seen, the permanent reality of the physiological aspect of the universe. That is to say, the inherent desire of the love of all living souls is directed towards the eternalizing of the idea of flesh and blood.

From this it follows that since the ”eternal vision” satisfies the desire of love ”the eternal vision” must include within it the eternal idea of the body.

Both ”the sons of the universe,” therefore, and all other living souls are compelled, in so far as they give themselves up to the creative energy, to direct their will towards the eternalization of this idea. But is there not an inevitable frustration and negation of this desire and this will?

Are not both the ”companions of men” and men themselves denied by the very nature of things the realization of this idea? Is not the love of man for ”the sons of the universe” frustrated in its desire in so far as ”the sons of the universe” cannot be embodied in flesh and blood? And is not the love of ”the sons of the universe” for man frustrated in its desire in so far as the physical form of each individual soul is destroyed by death?

It seems to me that this dilemma cannot be avoided. Love insists on the eternity of the idea of the body. Therefore every soul who loves ”the sons of the universe” desires their incarnation. But if ”the sons of the universe” could appear in flesh and blood for the satisfaction of any one of their lovers, all other souls in the wide world would lose them as their invisible companions. But although this dilemma cannot in its literal outlines be avoided, it seems that the same inherent nature of love which leads to this dilemma leads also to the vanis.h.i.+ng point or gap or lacuna in thought where the solution, although never actually realized, may conceivably exist.

What love desires is the eternalizing of the idea of flesh and blood.

It desires this because the idea of flesh and blood is a necessary aspect of the fulness and completeness of personality. But though the idea of flesh and blood is a necessary aspect of personality, every actual incarnation of personality leaves us aware that the particular soul we love has something more of beauty and n.o.bility than is expressed.

This ”something more” is not a mere hypothetical quality but is an actual and real quality which we must a.s.sume to exist in the very stuff and texture of the soul. It exists, therefore, in that ”vanis.h.i.+ng-point of sensation,” as I called it, which we have to think of, although we cannot define it, as const.i.tuting the soul's essential self. Those pre-existed ideas which find their synthesis in the emotion of love are undoubtedly part of the unfathomable universe. But they are this only because they are interwoven with the unfathomable soul which exists in each of us. The ”something,” therefore, which is the substratum of the soul and its centre of ident.i.ty is a thing woven out of the very stuff of these ideas.

This is the ”vanis.h.i.+ng point of sensation” to which I have referred, the point namely where what we call ”mind” blends indissolubly with what we call ”matter.” The emotion of love which desires the eternalization of the idea of flesh and blood would be on the way to satisfaction, even if it never altogether reached it, if it were able to feel that this beauty and n.o.bility and reality which exist in this ”vanis.h.i.+ng point of sensation” which is the very self of the soul were actually the living essence of flesh and blood, were, in fact, a real ”spiritual body,” of which the material body was the visible expression.

It is the inherent nature of love itself, with its craving for reality, which leads us to the verge of this conception; and although this conception can never, as we have seen, become more than a ”vanis.h.i.+ng-point of sensation” we have at least the satisfaction of knowing that if we were able to define the thing more clearly it would cease at once to be the object of love; because it would cease to be that mysterious fusion of ”mind” and ”matter” which it is the nature of love to crave.

Without the necessity then that these immortal ones whom I call the ”sons of the universe” should satisfy the love of human souls by any physical incarnation, they may be considered as leading such love upon the true way by simply being what they are; that is by being living souls. For, as living souls, they also must possess as the centre of their being, a ”spiritual body,” or fusion-point of ”mind” and ”matter,” which is the inner reality of flesh and blood.

This ”spiritual body” of ”the G.o.ds” or the ”sons of the universe”

must necessarily be more n.o.ble and more beautiful than any visible embodiment of them could possibly be; though human imagination and human art have a profound right to attempt to visualize such an impossible embodiment; and the purest and most natural form of ”religion” would be the form which struggled most successfully to appropriate such a visualization.