Part 2 (1/2)
Angus Mac-an-oge was a mighty magician, who had his glorious palace under the great mound of Brugh [Broo] on the Boyne, now called Newgrange, a little below Slane in Meath. There were many other G.o.ds; and there were G.o.ddesses also. Poets, physicians, and smiths had three G.o.ddesses whom they severally wors.h.i.+pped, three sisters, all named Brigit. There were also many fairy queens, who were considered as G.o.ddesses and wors.h.i.+pped in their several districts, all living in their palaces under fairy mounds or rocks.
Many of these residences are still well known, such as Carrigcleena, a circle of grey rocks near Mallow, where lived Cleena, the fairy queen of south Munster; and Craglea, near Killaloe, where Eevin or Eevil, the guardian fairy queen of the Dalca.s.sians of Th.o.m.ond, resided. The people of several districts had local G.o.ds also, such as Donn, the king of the Munster fairies, who had his airy home on the top of Knockfierna, near Croom in Limerick; John Macananty of Scrabo carn, near Newtownards; and Tierna, the powerful and kindly fairy lord, who lived in his bright palace under the great carn on the hill of Carntierna, over Fermoy.
Besides those that were acknowledged and wors.h.i.+pped as G.o.ds or G.o.ddesses, there were battle-furies who delighted in blood and slaughter; also loathsome-looking witch-hags, and plenty of goblins, sprites, and spectres--some harmless, some malignant--who will be found enumerated and described in either of my two Social Histories.
The idols wors.h.i.+pped by the pagan Irish were nearly all of them stones, mostly pillar-stones, which were sometimes covered over with gold, silver, or bronze. The people also wors.h.i.+pped the elements--that is to say, water, fire, the sun, the wind, and such like. The wors.h.i.+p of wells was very general. Most of those old Pagan fountains were taken possession of by St.
Patrick, St. Columkille, and other early missionaries, who blessed them, and devoted them to baptism and other Christian uses; so that they came to be called holy wells; and though they were no longer wors.h.i.+pped, they were as much venerated by the Christians as they had been by the pagans.
It must not be supposed that each of the objects mentioned above was wors.h.i.+pped by all the people of Ireland. Each person, in fact, wors.h.i.+pped whichever he pleased. And it was usual for individuals, or a tribe, to choose some idol, or element, or pagan divinity, which they held in veneration as their special guardian G.o.d.
There was a belief in a pagan heaven, a land of everlasting youth, peace, and happiness, beautiful beyond conception, called by various names, such as Teernanoge, Moy Mell, I-Bra.s.sil, etc., which is often described as being situated far out in the Western Ocean. It was inhabited by fairies, but it was not for human beings, except a few individuals who were brought thither by the fairies.
There is a pretty story, more than a thousand years old, in the Book of the Dun Cow, which tells how Prince Connla of the Golden Hair, son of the great king Conn the Hundred-Fighter, was carried off by a fairy in a crystal boat to Moy-Mell. One day--as the story relates--while the king and Connla, and many n.o.bles were standing on the western sea-sh.o.r.e, a boat of s.h.i.+ning crystal was seen moving towards them: and when it had touched the land, a fairy, like a human being, and richly dressed, came forth from it, and addressing Connla, tried to entice him into it. No one saw this strange being save Connla alone, though all heard the conversation: and the king and the n.o.bles marvelled, and were greatly troubled. At last the fairy chanted the following words in a very sweet voice: and the moment the chant was ended, the poor young prince stepped into the crystal boat, which in a moment glided swiftly away to the west: and Prince Connla was never again seen in his native land.
A land of youth, a land of rest, A land from sorrow free; It lies far off in the golden west, On the verge of the azure sea.
A swift canoe of crystal bright, That never met mortal view-- We shall reach the land ere fall of night, In that strong and swift canoe: We shall reach the strand Of that sunny land, From druids and demons free; The land of rest, In the golden west, On the verge of the azure sea!
A pleasant land of winding vales, bright streams, and verdurous plains, Where summer all the live-long year, in changeless splendour reigns; A peaceful land of calm delight, of everlasting bloom; Old age and death we never know, no sickness, care, or gloom; The land of youth, Of love and truth, From pain and sorrow free; The land of rest, In the golden west, On the verge of the azure sea!
There are strange delights for mortal men in that island of the west; The sun comes down each evening in its lovely vales to rest: And though far and dim On the ocean's rim It seems to mortal view, We shall reach its halls Ere the evening falls, In my strong and swift canoe: And evermore That verdant sh.o.r.e Our happy home shall be; The land of rest, In the golden west, On the verge of the azure sea!
It will guard thee, gentle Connla, of the flowing golden hair; It will guard thee from the druids, from the demons of the air; My crystal boat will guard thee, till we reach that western sh.o.r.e, Where thou and I in joy and love shall live for evermore: From the druid's incantation, From his black and deadly snare, From the withering imprecation Of the demon of the air, It will guard thee, gentle Connla, of the flowing golden hair: My crystal boat will guard thee, till we reach that silver strand Where thou shalt reign in endless joy, the king of the Fairy-land![2]
It is not our business here to tell how the Irish were converted to Christianity; for this has been already related in our Histories of Ireland. Whether St. Patrick was born in Gaul or in Scotland, we know at any rate that he brought with him to Ireland, to aid him in his great work, a number of young Gauls and Britons whom he had ordained as priests.
But soon after his arrival he began to ordain natives also, whom he had converted; so that the hard work of travelling through the country, and preaching to the people, was for some time in the beginning done by foreigners and Irishmen. But as time went on the missionaries were chiefly native-born. St. Patrick loved the Irish people; and he was continually praying that G.o.d would bestow favours on them. And his prayers were answered; for, after the Apostolic times, there never were more devoted or more successful missionaries than those who preached the Gospel in Ireland, and there never were people who received the Faith more readily than the Irish, or who practised it after their conversion with more piety and earnestness.
An old Irish writer who lived about twelve hundred years ago tells us that the saints of Ireland who lived, and worked, and died before his time were of ”Three Orders.” ”The First Order of Catholic saints”--says this writer--”were MOST HOLY: s.h.i.+ning like the sun.” They were 350 in number, all bishops, beginning with St. Patrick. For more than thirty years they were led by their great master, with all his fiery and tireless energy; and the preachers of this order continued for a little more than a century. They devoted themselves entirely to the home mission--the conversion of the Irish people--which gave them quite enough to do.
”The Second Order was of Catholic Priests”--continues the old writer--”numbering 300, of whom a few were bishops. These were VERY HOLY, and they shone like the moon.” They lasted for a little more than half a century.
The priests of this Second Order were chiefly monastic clergy--that is to say, monks--and during their continuance monasteries were founded everywhere through Ireland. Though there were monks and monasteries here from the time of St. Patrick, they began to spread much more rapidly after the foundation of the great monastery of Clonard in Meath, by St.
Finnen or Finnian--one of the Second Order of saints--about the year 527.