12 Interlude - Is My Son A Ninja? (1/2)

Akira Hideyos.h.i.+ POV


As I began to prepare for Hos.h.i.+ second birthday, I felt time pa.s.sed by too quickly and started reminiscing about the previous year.

Shortly after his first birthday, Hos.h.i.+ begged me and Youta for multiple sets of his little chef uniform.

We ultimately conceded and got him enough sets for each day of the week.

Hos.h.i.+ would only wear his uniform and would only change into his pyjama when going to bed.

I might have to resize his old set of uniform or buy an entirely new set soon; he was growing older and getting bigger.

He won't be able to fit into his current uniform soon, and I highly doubt he would give them up.

I allowed Hos.h.i.+ to wear his little chef uniform daily instead of dressing him up with a bunch of different outfits because he would lament and ignores me.

I wouldn't last a day without my son.

I often need to hug him to recharge my energy.

Whenever we went outdoors, he would always gather attention from random pedestrians.

His pink hair and eyes with his father's handsome face while wearing his little chef uniform made him popular.

We would often get compliments from friends and strangers about how cute our son was.

Everyone a.s.suredly recognized the excellence of my son.

He was the cutest baby in town and his cutest factor has gone through the roof!

Hos.h.i.+ became fairly well known in our small community as the cute chef baby.

Our days weren't unique, but I still treasure them.

Every day I would wake up and change Hos.h.i.+ into his uniform and began to make breakfast as he watched and waited for me to finish.

I would then place him into his playpen after breakfast, he would then move toward his chef's play kitchen.

When he first started playing with his little kitchen, he surprised Youta with his proper knife handling and skills.

He obviously learned that from me, he often watches me prepare and cook our family meals.

Youta was spouting rubbish about image training and being abnormal.

I gave him a cold look, and he immediately stopped spouting nonsense.

As time pa.s.sed by, my and Youta gazes were often in a glued state towards our son without being able to take our gazes off.

Our curiosity kept rising over the limit.

Hos.h.i.+ would standstill with his back straight while properly hold his toy knife and began to continuedly cut his play-doh over and over and reform it and rinse and repeat.

At first, I thought he looked like an amateur chef mimicking some knife handling techniques he learned from watching me or the television.

I still remember him celebrating after the first day of practice.

What surprised me the most was the rate of improvement; Hos.h.i.+ slowly became better and better.

One month later, he began switching hands while practicing his knife skills.

Hos.h.i.+ struggled to use his non-dominant hand, but he continued and persevered.

He looked to be ambidextrous now; He would often use either of hands during daily tasks and cutting practice.

Every so often, he would laugh aloud and raise his hands to celebrate and stare straight as if checking something.

It was an odd situation because every time he celebrated; his skill would improve.

People often considered me a scatterbrained person, but the improvements were obvious.

The quick transition from amateur to professional knife skills was shown in the past few months.

It was amazing and scary at the same time; Recently he looked like a ninja with his cutting speed and accuracy.

”Are we filming a movie? what with that special effect?” my husband resorted.

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I slapped him in the back on the head.

I don't believe any spirits possessed Hos.h.i.+.