Chapter 22 (1/2)

National Problems

「The expenses for the Hero’s Festival should have already been decided! In the first place, the treasury was already in a severe state, so there should have already been stricter regulations for spending in place!」

「…I was acting on the orders of the Minister of International Trade and Industry; because it was the 400th Anniversary of the Hero, the festival was supposed to be more lively than usual…」

「That guy…」

Eagle’s face soured. Soleil was only a.s.signed to a post like that because he was the childhood friend of the king, and from his viewpoint, he seemed to be nothing more than a termite gnawing away at the treasury.

(At any rate, he must have wasted it by trying to flatter the merchants.)

Bottling his anger, Eagle then asked the next question.

「As for Antoinette-sama’s gambling losses, why was that taken from the treasury!」

「F-for the time being, we had arranged to call it a loan…」

「Idiot! That woman will never have a reason to repay it!」

「…there’s no way, I could… go against them.」

The Minister of Financial Affairs hung his neck low, and spoke weakly.

「…and lastly, the loan to the knights?」

「That is… The overall harvest of cereal this year is poor.」

「A poor harvest? When the cereal prices aren’t even rising?

Eagle tilted his head to the side in puzzlement.

「That’s because the merchants banded together, and when we tried to put cereal on the market to sell, the prices hadn’t adjusted at all because they flooded the market with their own, so the price did not rise despite it being a poor harvest, and the knights did not want to part with their own supply at such a low price… Because of that, the knights had run out of money and applied to the country for a loan, and I reluctantly had to lend it.」

「Hmm… could it not have been helped? The conduct of the merchants is infuriating, but on the flipside, the price of cereal did not rise either because of the poor harvest. So there is a silver lining in that, at the very least, the people wouldn’t starve. How annoying!」

Bemoaning it, Eagle has to reluctantly admit that nothing can be done.

「However, if the loaner loans out money, it should have a proper interest rate, and mention the repayment plan! Get the contract!」

At Eagle’s harsh words, the bureaucrats hurriedly brought in the knights’ loan agreement .

After he read it, Eagle instinctively wanted to tear it to pieces and throw it away.

「What the h.e.l.l is this! In addition to loaning it out interest-free, there’s not even a repayment schedule written down!」

「A-about that, because the king is already collecting taxes from the greedy merchants, why should the knights have to pay interest? Instead, just pay it back in cereal the next time the harvest is good…」

「Who was it that said such a thing!?」

「I-I’m afraid, it was the king who said it…」

「Fool! If the king doesn’t show a firm hand to the knights then of course this will happen! It’s not just those contemptible knights, the king is a d.a.m.n fool too!」

And finally, Eagle had lost control of his temper.

「It is as you say. At any rate, the treasury is bankrupt.」

The Minister of Financial Affairs turned blue and began shaking.

「…Well, it’s unavoidable. Geez, now I have to gather the doc.u.ments and report this to his majesty. My, my, it’ll take far more than ordinary effort to slip out of this.」

Eagle thought about the difficulties this would present in the future, and his shoulders drooped.

Putting together a detailed report about the current state of the treasury, Eagle sought an audience with the king.

After waiting for an awfully long time, he was finally allowed to see the king.

「Hey old man, long time no see. You are doing well I expect?」

Saying that with a bit of refres.h.i.+ng laughter, was Rostania Kingdom’s 17th Generation King, Louis Rostania.

A descendant of the Hero Artemis, and a handsome man in the early half of his 30s.

He gives off the impression of a young man with youthful vigor, and that makes a tremendous impact on the female n.o.bility.