Chapter 20 (2/2)

「However, can we sell this?」

「If you have doubts about it, shall we eat them?」

As Ritone suggested that, he grinned widely.

Several days later, Gold responded to Ritone’s call with several of Ritone’s subordinates and gathered together.

What awaited them was a meal party.

「Well, go ahead!」

With the help of the maids, Ritone gathered Gold and other influential subordinates and treated them to a meal with all the cooked crops.

Even though they fearfully reached out for food at first, as soon as they had their first bite, they smiled.

「This is delicious!」

One of the bureaucrats, who was bald, was eating the corn aggressively–dropping quite a few kernels.

[Daily: The raw actually states “spilling the kernels like it’s raining”]

「Even though we just boiled it in salt water, don’t you think it is delicious?」

「Yes, this is the first time I have eaten such a thing.」

Corn kernels littered the edges of his mouth.

「This is… really soft.」

Gold was eating the freshly cooked rice, and was extremely pleased.

To people who mainly eat bread as their staple food, rice is a completely new flavor.

「Now please try this. This is “Nikujaga”, which is a combination of meat and potatoes boiled together until it softens. It goes well with rice.」

Upon eating Ritone’s recommendation, Gold suddenly shed a tear.

「I don’t know why, but I’m remembering old times. Like when my mother cooked her handmade food for me– that nurturing flavor. Since I was really preoccupied with work, how much time has pa.s.sed since I have seen her…」

[Tach: Nikujaga usually known as wife’s cooking or motherly cooking, but I can’t understand it here… They are n.o.bles that eat servant cooked food… ( :P) I know that the author wanted to make a joke about it, but I just wanted to mention it.]

Leaving Gold, who was starting to cry, Ritone went towards a well-rounded female subordinate and recommended her a dish with plump grains.

「I recommend you this. By only eating this “quinoa”, you could easily lose weight and become extremely beautiful.」

This woman, hearing that she could go on a diet with this, changes her perspective completely.

「I-is that true?」

「Yes, it is also highly nutritious, so you can have a balanced diet and healthy body.」

Hearing that, she timidly eats.

「It’s delicious… This can be cultivated on rough terrain, can’t it? My territory is cold, and is a plateau zone where it rarely rains. Can it be cultivated even there?」

「Yes, that is perfect.」

Hearing that, tears trickle down the woman’s eyes.

「Young master Ritone… Thank you very much.」

She expresses her thanks as she grabbed hold of Ritone’s hands.
