Part 55 (1/2)
Margaret! Margaret!
MARGARET (attentively listening)
That was the voice of my lover!
(She springs to her feet: the fetters fall off.)
Where is he? I heard him call me.
I am free! No one shall enthrall me.
To his neck will I fly, On his bosom lie!
On the threshold he stood, and Margaret! calling, Midst of h.e.l.l's howling and noises appalling, Midst of the wrathful, infernal derision, I knew the sweet sound of the voice of the vision!
'Tis I!
'Tis thou! O, say it once again!
(Clasping him.)
'Tis he! 'tis he! Where now is all my pain?
The anguish of the dungeon, and the chain?
'Tis thou! Thou comest to save me, And I am saved!- Again the street I see Where first I looked on thee; And the garden, brightly blooming, Where I and Martha wait thy coming.
FAUST (struggling to leave)
Come! Come with me!
Delay, now!
So fain I stay, when thou delayest!
(Caressing him.)
Away, now!
If longer here thou stayest, We shall be made to dearly rue it.
Kiss me!-canst no longer do it?
My friend, so short a time thou'rt missing, And hast unlearned thy kissing?
Why is my heart so anxious, on thy breast?
Where once a heaven thy glances did create me, A heaven thy loving words expressed, And thou didst kiss, as thou wouldst suffocate me- Kiss me!
Or I'll kiss thee!