Part 22 (1/2)

Ah! I perceive a juggler's trick.


And you?


Champagne shall be my wine, And let it sparkle fresh and fine!


(bores: in the meantime one has made the wax stoppers, and plugged the holes with them.)


What's foreign one can't always keep quite clear of, For good things, oft, are not so near; A German can't endure the French to see or hear of, Yet drinks their wines with hearty cheer.


(as MEPHISTOPHELES approaches his seat) For me, I grant, sour wine is out of place; Fill up my gla.s.s with sweetest, will you?


Tokay shall flow at once, to fill you!


No-look me, Sirs, straight in the face!

I see you have your fun at our expense.


O no! with gentlemen of such pretence, That were to venture far, indeed.

Speak out, and make your choice with speed! With what a vintage can I serve you?


With any-only satisfy our need.

(After the holes have been bored and plugged)

MEPHISTOPHELES (with singular gestures)

Grapes the vine-stem bears, Horns the he-goat wears!

The grapes are juicy, the vines are wood, The wooden table gives wine as good!

Into the depths of Nature peer,- Only believe there's a miracle here!

Now draw the stoppers, and drink your fill!