Part 3 (1/2)
And rival storms abroad are surging From sea to land, from land to sea.
A chain of deepest action forging Round all, in wrathful energy.
There flames a desolation, blazing Before the Thunder's cras.h.i.+ng way: Yet, Lord, Thy messengers are praising The gentle movement of Thy Day.
Though still by them uncomprehended, From these the angels draw their power, And all Thy works, sublime and splendid, Are bright as in Creation's hour.
Since Thou, O Lord, deign'st to approach again And ask us how we do, in manner kindest, And heretofore to meet myself wert fain, Among Thy menials, now, my face Thou findest.
Pardon, this troop I cannot follow after With lofty speech, though by them scorned and spurned: My pathos certainly would move Thy laughter, If Thou hadst not all merriment unlearned.
Of suns and worlds I've nothing to be quoted; How men torment themselves, is all I've noted.
The little G.o.d o' the world sticks to the same old way, And is as whimsical as on Creation's day.
Life somewhat better might content him, But for the gleam of heavenly light which Thou hast lent him: He calls it Reason-thence his power's increased, To be far beastlier than any beast.
Saving Thy Gracious Presence, he to me A long-legged gra.s.shopper appears to be, That springing flies, and flying springs, And in the gra.s.s the same old ditty sings.
Would he still lay among the gra.s.s he grows in!
Each bit of dung he seeks, to stick his nose in.
Hast thou, then, nothing more to mention?
Com'st ever, thus, with ill intention?
Find'st nothing right on earth, eternally?
No, Lord! I find things, there, still bad as they can be.
Man's misery even to pity moves my nature; I've scarce the heart to plague the wretched creature.
Know'st Faust?
The Doctor Faust?
My servant, he!