Part 23 (1/2)
”I don't rightly know what the game is, Guv'nor,” he went on in a lowered tone, ”but if you should 'appen to want to call on me for evidence any time, Martyn's Garridge, Walham Green, 'll always find me. Ye only need to ask for d.i.c.k 'Arris. They all knows me round there.”
I accepted the card, and having a.s.sured Mr. Harris that in the event of my needing his testimony I would certainly look him up, I lit my delayed cigarette and started to stroll back towards Parelli's.
Whoever my original friend and his pal with the eyegla.s.s might be, I was anxious to give them a few minutes' law before thrusting myself upon their society. I had known Parelli's well in the old days, and remembering the numerous which decorated its walls, I thought it probable that I should be able to find some obscure seat, from which I could obtain a view of their table without being too conspicuous myself. Still, it seemed advisable to give them time to settle down to dinner first, so, stopping at a newspaper shop at the corner, I spun out another minute or two in buying myself a copy of _La Vie Parisienne_ and the latest edition of the _Pall Mall_. With these under my arm and a pleasant little tingle of excitement in my heart I walked up to the door of the restaurant, which a uniformed porter immediately swung open.
I found myself in a brightly lit pa.s.sage, inhabited by a couple of waiters, one of whom came forward to take my hat and stick. The other pushed back the gla.s.s door which led into the restaurant, and then stood there bowing politely and waiting for me to pa.s.s.
I stopped for a moment on the threshold, and cast a swift glance round the room. It was a large, low-ceilinged apartment, broken up by square pillars, but as luck would have it I spotted my two men at the very first attempt. They were sitting at a table in one of the farther corners, and they seemed to be so interested in each other's company that neither of them had even looked up at my entrance.
I didn't wait for them to do it either. Quickly and un.o.btrusively I walked to the corner table on the left of the floor, and sat down with my back towards them. I was facing a large mirror which reflected the other side of the room with admirable clearness.
A waiter handed me the menu, and after I had ordered a light dinner I spread out _La Vie Parisienne_ on the table, and bending over it made a pretence of admiring its drawings. As a matter of fact I kept my entire attention focused on the looking-gla.s.s.
I could only see the back of the man with the scar, but the face of his companion, who was sitting sideways on, was very plainly visible. It was a striking-looking face, too. He seemed to be about thirty-five--a tall, clean-shaven, powerfully built man, with bright blue eyes and a chin like the toe of a boot. His hair was prematurely grey, and this, together with the monocle that he was wearing, gave him a curious air of distinction. He looked like a cross between a successful barrister and a retired prize-fighter.
I watched him with considerable interest. If he was another of McMurtrie's mysterious circle, I certainly preferred him to any of the ones I had previously come across. His face, though strong and hard, had none of Savaroff's brutality in it, and he was quite lacking in that air of sinister malevolence that seemed to hang about the doctor.
As far as I could see, most of the talking was being done by the man with the scar. He also appeared to be the host, for I saw him pick up the wine list, and after consulting his companion's taste give a carefully selected order to the waiter. Then my own dinner began to arrive, and putting aside _La Vie_, I propped up the _Pall Mall_ in front of me and started to attack the soup.
All through the meal I divided my attention between the paper and the looking-gla.s.s. I was careful how I made use of the latter, for the waiter was hovering about most of the time, and I didn't want him to think that I was spying on some of the other customers. So quite genuinely I waded through the news, keeping on glancing in the mirror over the top of the paper from time to time just to see how things were progressing behind me.
That my two friends were getting along together very well was evident not only from their faces but from the sounds of laughter which at intervals came floating down the room. Indeed, so animated was their conversation, that although I had begun my dinner later, I had finished some little time before they had. I had no intention of leaving first, however, so ordering myself some coffee, I sat back in my chair, and with the aid of a cigar, continued my study of the _Pall Mall_.
I was in the middle of a spirited article on the German trouble, headed ”What Does the Kaiser Mean?” when glancing in the mirror I saw a waiter advance to the table behind me, carrying a bottle of port in a basket, with a care that suggested some exceptional vintage. He poured out a couple of, and then placing it reverently on the table, withdrew from the scene.
I watched both men take a sip, and saw them set down their with a thoroughly satisfied air. Then the man with the scar made a sudden remark to the other, who, turning his head, looked away over his shoulder into the restaurant. His attention could only have been withdrawn from the table for a couple of seconds at the most, but in that fraction of time something happened which set my heart beating rapidly in a kind of cold and tense excitement.
So swiftly, that if I had not been looking straight in the mirror I should have missed seeing it, the man with the scar brought his hand down over his companion's gla.s.s. Unless my eyes were playing me a trick, I distinctly saw him empty something into the wine.
There are rare occasions in life when one acts instinctively in the right way before one's mind has had time to reason matters out. It was so with me now. Without stopping to think, I whipped out a pencil from my pocket, and s.n.a.t.c.hed away a piece of white paper from underneath the small dish of candied fruit in front of me. Spreading it out on the table I hastily scribbled the following words:
”Don't drink your wine. The man with you has just put something into it.”
I folded this up, and beckoned to one of the waiters who was standing by the door. He came forward at once.
”Do you want to earn half a sovereign?” I asked.
”Yes, sir,” he answered, without the faintest air of surprise.
”Listen to me, then,” I said, ”and whatever you do don't look round.
In the farther corner behind us there's a gentleman with an eyegla.s.s dining with another man. Go up the centre of the room and give him this note. If he asks you who it's from, say some one handed it you in the hall and told you to deliver it. Then go and get my bill and bring it me here.”
The waiter bowed, and taking the note departed on his errand, as casually as though I had instructed him to fetch me a liqueur. All the time I had been speaking I had kept a watchful eye on the mirror, and as far as I could tell neither of the two men had noticed our conversation. They were talking and laughing, the man I had sent the message to lightly fingering the stem of his wine-gla.s.s, and blowing thin spirals of cigarette smoke into the air. Even as I looked he raised the gla.s.s, and for one harrowing second I thought I was too late. Then, like a messenger from the G.o.ds, the waiter suddenly appeared from behind one of the pillars and handed him my note on a small silver tray.
He took it casually with his left hand; at the same time setting down his wine-gla.s.s on the table. I saw him make an excuse to his host, and then open it and read it. I don't know exactly what I had expected him to do next, but the result was certainly surprising. Instead of showing any amazement or even questioning the waiter, he made some laughing remark to his companion, and putting his hand in his pocket pulled out a small leather case from which he extracted a card.
Bending over the table he wrote two or three words in pencil, and handed it to the waiter. As he did so the edge of his sleeve just caught the wine-gla.s.s. I saw the other man start up and stretch out his hand, but he was too late to save it. Over it went, breaking into pieces against one of the plates, and spilling the wine all across the table-cloth.
It was done so neatly that I could almost have sworn it was an accident. Indeed the exclamation of annoyance with which the culprit greeted his handiwork sounded so perfectly genuine that if I hadn't known what was in the note I should have been completely deceived.
I saw the waiter step forward and dab hurriedly at the stain with a napkin, while the author of the damage, coolly pulling up another gla.s.s, helped himself to a fresh supply from the bottle. A more beautifully carried out little bit of acting it has never been my good luck to witness.
If the man with the scar suspected anything (which I don't think he did) he was at least intelligent enough to keep the fact to himself.