Part 23 (1/2)

”Of course.” Ryan slid her arm around Kay's waist and directed her toward the sofa in the sitting area. A champagne bottle sat in a wine cooler on a small low table. ”Sit down while I pour.”

Kay studied Ryan again as she popped the champagne and filled two flutes. She was clear-eyed and confident, moving with easy grace. Her hands were long-fingered and slender. And as she watched Ryan bend to pour the champagne, she saw that her first impression had been correct. A sizable c.o.c.k nestled against the inside of her left thigh.

”Isn't it uncomfortable like that... for hours?”

Ryan followed Kay's gaze. ”Not with the right fit. It can get a little intense when I'm excited, but that's natural.”

Kay took the gla.s.s Ryan held out, feeling her face flame. ”I have absolutely no idea where that came from. I'm so sorry.”

”There's no need to be.” Ryan sat down next to her, leaving her champagne gla.s.s on the table. ”If it's not what you want-”

”It is,” Kay said quickly, not caring if she sounded a little desperate. She felt a little desperate. Desperate and breathless and terribly terribly terribly h.o.r.n.y. She took a generous swallow of the champagne. ”Sometime tonight I want to touch it.”

Ryan drew a sharp breath, and when she spoke, her voice was deeper. ”I'd like that.” She leaned closer and kissed Kay's neck again, then cupped Kay's face and kissed her mouth.

She was a wonderful kisser, softly teasing and stroking with her tongue as she caressed Kay's neck and shoulders with both hands. She let the diamonds at Kay's ears play across her fingertips as she kissed along her jaw, but she didn't touch Kay's b.r.e.a.s.t.s. And after a few minutes of Ryan's mouth on her skin, Kay ached to have her nipples ma.s.saged. She was getting too excited too fast and she finally pulled away. Ryan was breathing quickly, too. Realizing that Ryan enjoyed what they were doing made Kay even more excited.

”You're really not pretending, are you?” Kay whispered.

”You're very beautiful. Very sweet.” Ryan traced a fingertip over Kay's chin, then down the center of her throat. ”Feeling your excitement excites me. Thinking about you touching my c.o.c.k makes me hard and wet.”

”Are you? Now?”


”I don't think I'd better kiss you anymore right now,” Kay said, moving away but keeping her hand on Ryan's arm. ”All I can think about is going to bed, and I spent all day getting ready for tonight.”

”There are a lot of pleasurable things we can do outside of bed.” Ryan retrieved her champagne gla.s.s and emptied it in several long swallows. Then she stood and held out her hand. ”You look too beautiful not to show off. Let's go dancing.”

For one second, Kay contemplated blowing off the dance. She wanted to kiss Ryan again. She wanted Ryan to play with her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She wanted to caress the hardness in Ryan's pants and make Ryan's breathing get harsh again. ”I don't know how long I can wait. I don't think I've ever been so unspeakably aroused in my life, and we've only kissed.”

”Whatever you need,” Ryan whispered, kissing her, ”whatever you want.”

”Oh G.o.d. We'd better leave now.”

Kay took Ryan's hand as they left the cabin and walked down the hall. They rode the elevators to the main deck and followed the sound of music and laughter. The night was dark but the s.h.i.+p was blazing with light, and Kay imagined it must look like a roaring inferno from a distance. She certainly felt like one.

”Did you want to ask me something else?” Ryan said, releasing Kay's hand and putting her arm around Kay's shoulders.

Kay circled Ryan's waist and leaned against her. ”It might be personal.”

”Whatever you want, remember?”

”I saw you Sunday night in the theater. You were with a woman, a really beautiful blonde in a short leather skirt.”


”Was she a date?”

Ryan guided Kay to a shadowed area along the railing. ”You're my only date this week.”

”I watched her come with your c.o.c.k inside her.”

Ryan's arm tightened around Kay. Her voice sounded tighter too. ”Yes.”

”It was very s.e.xy. When I got back to my room I thought about it and m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.ed. I came three times.”

”Kay,” Ryan groaned.

”Can I touch your c.o.c.k now?”


When Ryan reached for her fly, Kay stopped her. ”I want to take it out while you kiss me again.”

Ryan leaned against the railing and pulled Kay close, kissing her more intently than before. Kay felt the hardness between Ryan's legs pressing against her belly and she rubbed herself against the prominence, clutching Ryan's hips. With her mouth against Ryan's, sucking her tongue and her lips, she slid Ryan's zipper down and worked her hand inside the opening. When her fingers closed 'round something full and firm, she gasped.

”Oh my G.o.d. It's warm. It feels ... so soft.”

”It's cyberskin,” Ryan murmured, her fingers sifting through Kay's hair. She nipped at Kay's earlobe and ran her tongue along the rim of Kay's ear. ”Do you like it?”

”Yes,” Kay said, tightening her fist and ma.s.saging the bulge. Ryan lurched against her and groaned. ”You can feel that?”

”Oh yeah,” Ryan said shakily. ”You're jerking off my c.l.i.t when you do that.”

”I want to see it.”

”Take it out.”

Kay angled her body against Ryan's so they faced the ocean and no one could see what she was doing. She worked the c.o.c.k out through the opening in Ryan's pants. It looked long and pale in the moonlight, and when she closed her fingers around it, just the head was exposed. She tried sliding her hand up and down its length, and when she did, Ryan's hips lifted and fell. ”Does that feel nice?”

”Very nice.”

”Will you come?”

”Is that what you want?” Ryan's chest heaved and she grabbed the rail. ”Kay? You have to tell me what you want.”

”Kiss me.”

Ryan's mouth was insistent, her kisses urgent and harsh. The harder Kay pulled on Ryan's c.o.c.k, the deeper Ryan plunged her tongue into Kay's mouth. She loved the grunting sound Ryan made deep in her chest each time she stroked her. She'd never felt so powerful.

”Tell me how to make you come,” Kay demanded, watching Ryan's face.

”Faster.” Ryan's eyes were beseeching. ”Faster.”

When Kay wrapped both hands around the c.o.c.k and worked it rapidly up and down in Ryan's crotch, Ryan's knees buckled and she sagged.

”I'm going to come,” Ryan said through gritted teeth. She grabbed Kay's waist for balance. ”Do you want me to? Can I? Tell me what you want.”

”I want to know how it feels,” Kay whispered, ”when I do this to your c.o.c.k.”