Part 7 (1/2)

”Should I... do something?” What I wanted to do was fasten my lips around her c.l.i.t and suck her until she came. She looked so hard I didn't think it would take more than a minute.

”Just pat me dry,” she whispered. ”Not too hard, you'll make me come.”

”Jesus,” I groaned, my vision going dim. My hands trembled as I took care of her, but I did as she asked and then stood up on shaky legs. ”We better get you dressed.”

Somehow, professional that she was, she knew exactly how much time she had and was back on the runway precisely on cue. This bathing suit had a circle of black material that looped around her neck and extended down her chest in two thin strands that covered an inch of the center of each breast before crossing in the middle of her abdomen and attaching to the thong bikini bottom at each hip. Her back was completely bare except for the bikini string circling her hips. I imagined the strand of the thong rubbing over her exposed c.l.i.t with each step, her wet p.u.s.s.y swelling more and more with each pa.s.sing second. There in the dark, with the scent of her arousal swirling through my mind and the image of her excitement burned on the surface of my brain, I squeezed a hand between my legs to ease the ache in my c.l.i.t. It felt so good I closed my eyes and rubbed harder, a few strokes from coming-until fingers gripped my wrist and pulled my hand away.

”You can do that on your own time,” CC said, a hint of throaty laughter in her voice. ”You've still got a job to do.”

”Right,” I croaked. ”Coming. I mean-”

”Oh, I know what you mean,” CC called over her shoulder as she disappeared into her dressing room with me right behind her.

She stripped off her suit, flung it in my direction and braced her hips against her vanity table, her hands gripping the edges. ”You've got three minutes to make me come.”

I barely caught the bathing suit and had the presence of mind to drape it over the back of the chair before I dropped to my knees between her legs. Three minutes. Jesus. And then it hit me. I was going to make three minutes of my mouth on her c.u.n.t feel like eternity. I looked up and saw her staring down at me, her lips slightly parted, her eyes desperate.

”G.o.d,” she gasped, ”I'm so hot. Suck me, please.”

Instead, I gently spread her open with my thumbs and kissed her, a series of kisses starting at her c.l.i.t and skimming over her p.u.s.s.y. She was wet, sweet and thick, and I wanted to drink her dry. Her hands were in my hair already, trying to get my mouth where she needed it. I gave her my tongue instead, long slow sweeps, licking up her come as she creamed for me.

”Ohh,” she breathed out. ”Oh, that's so nice. I'm going to come with you doing that.”

”Yeah,” I whispered, leaning back just enough to see her face. Her eyes were closed, her hands on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, her fingers plucking at her nipples. A tiny frown of concentration creased her perfect forehead. I ma.s.saged her c.l.i.t with one fingertip.

”Don't stop licking me,” she whimpered. ”I need your mouth to come.”

Two minutes. Somehow I knew, two minutes. I went back to licking, tracing the delicate furls and troughs with the tip of my tongue, tugging and sucking her lips until her hips writhed and jumped. She was open for me now, and I slid my hands around her backside and supported her thighs against the front of my shoulders while I circled her c.l.i.t with my lips and sucked her for the first time.

”That's it, that's it,” she muttered. ”Nice nice nice.”

Her c.l.i.t bulged between my lips, hard and tense, and I knew she was a stroke or two away. I slowed just enough to keep her this side of bursting, counting the seconds in my mind. She twisted her fingers in my hair.

”Almost. Almost. Uh, uh, uh huh...”

Her breathing got frantic, her words lost in a jumble of incoherent pleas, her c.u.n.t pulsing against my face. With my time almost up, I tightened my lips and sucked her in, hard and deep. Her c.l.i.t pounded between my lips and she came, drenching my face and neck. When her legs buckled, I held her up, cradling her c.u.n.t against my mouth while she moaned and s.h.i.+vered, until she was completely spent.

”One more minute,” I whispered and got to my feet, swiping my mouth against the sleeve of my T-s.h.i.+rt. Her eyes were open but dazed. I handed her a towel, grabbed another and carefully dried her. By the time I was done, she'd regrouped. I pulled the next outfit from the rack as she checked her makeup.

”That was incredible,” she said, touching my mouth with trembling fingers. ”Incredible.”

”Yeah.” I held out the next suit. ”And we've got three more runs to go.”

CC smiled. ”If we're quick, we might find a few extra minutes between changes to try that on you.”

”Maybe we should wait until we're off the clock,” I said, opening the door for her. ”I just got this job and there's another show coming up tomorrow.”

”Oh, don't worry.” CC kissed me as she pa.s.sed. ”I intend to request your services for the rest of the cruise. Good dressers are very hard to find.”

Group Rate Special Radclyffe When Angela heard the water shut off in the shower, she dropped her Business Weekly magazine onto the bedside table and padded nude across the cabin to knock on the door. ”West? Honey? Let me dry your back.”

The door immediately opened and a warm cloud of steam billowed out. A nicely tanned and muscled arm reached through the steam, grasped Angela's shoulder and tugged her inside.

West kissed her hard, as if she hadn't seen her for months. ”You'll let all the heat out.”

”We're in the Mediterranean, honey. It's warm,” Angela said, indicating her own naked state. She hadn't bothered to get dressed yet because her plans consisted of spending the entire day on the deck in her bikini. After she completed one very important item on her agenda.

”It might be hot outside, but it isn't in here. I hate air-conditioning,” West grumbled.

”I know. Turn around so I can take care of you before you freeze.”

”Whatever you say.”

”Since when?” Angela laughed and grabbed a towel off the rack before closing the bathroom door.

”I always do what you say,” West protested.

”Sure you do. As long as it's what you were planning to do anyhow.”

West peered over her shoulder. ”Are you trying to tell me I'm failing obedience training?”

”I'm not sure you can fail if you don't volunteer for the cla.s.s first.”

”All right. I'm yours to command for the entire day.” West gave Angela a long look. ”I promise to do as I'm told.”

”Oh, you're going to be so sorry.”

”I hope so,” West said, grinning. As Angela started working on her back, she leaned over, both hands on the vanity, and sighed. ”I didn't realize how much I needed this vacation until we got out here on the ocean.”

”Are you sure you're not mad about Jill sharing our cabin?” Angela blotted the droplets from West's back, pressing her mons to West's hard b.u.t.t, partly out of necessity in the cramped s.p.a.ce, but mostly because she loved West's a.s.s, and running her hands over West's body was making her h.o.r.n.y. Well, hornier. ”I know you only met her that once at the office party.”

West found Angela's eyes in the mirror. ”I knew we'd be spending a lot of time with your friends from work. It is a group holiday thing, after all.”

”That's not the same as having a near stranger sleeping in the same cabin.” Abandoning the towel, Angela wrapped her arms around West's waist and rubbed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s over West's shoulder blades while she licked her neck. Just that little bit of rubbing made her nipples hard. She circled her palm over West's belly and combed her fingers through the sleek dark hair that shadowed the triangle between her legs. ”And besides, I'm used to having you whenever I want.”

”Did you wake up wet, baby?” West teased, twisting around to face Angela. She palmed her a.s.s, squeezing the round, firm globes and rotating her crotch into Angela's.

”You know I did, because you teased my c.l.i.t until I was dripping.” Angela tugged on West's lower lip with her teeth. ”And then you didn't let me come.”

”Jill woke up.” West nibbled on Angela's neck. ”I couldn't do much more than play with you, not with the head of accounting in bed three feet away from us.”

Angela sighed. ”I didn't realize it was going to be such a problem, but if I hadn't volunteered for her to stay with us, she wouldn't have been able to come. Sheila getting sick at the last minute and bailing on her really screwed things up.”

”It's not that much of an issue. We don't spend a lot of time in the cabin.” West worked a hand between their bodies to clasp Angela's breast. ”She seems nice enough.”

”I think she thinks you're nice,” Angela said playfully, spreading her legs so West would press her c.l.i.t more directly as they worked their p.u.s.s.ies together. She felt herself growing harder. ”She watches you when she thinks I'm not looking.”

West continued her explorations along Angela's neck to her ear. She sucked the fleshy lobe between her teeth and rolled it back and forth, imagining Angela's c.l.i.t in her mouth. ”I never noticed.”

”Mmm, I saw her looking this morning when you got out of bed-without any clothes on.” Angela pushed hard into West's crotch. ”But since I like you sleeping naked, I guess I'm going to have to put up with Jill ogling you. She must have thought I was asleep, because she actually licked her lips like she was ready to go down on you right then and there.”