Part 1 (1/2)

Cruising the Seas.


Karin Kallmaker.

”I can't believe that Italy is behind me and a s.h.i.+p full of lesbians is in front of me.” Sissy scooted her carry-on suitcase a few inches ahead as the queue for the gangplank moved slowly forward.

”I can't believe half our vacation is already over.” Gab sipped again from her water bottle and offered it to Sissy.

After a refres.h.i.+ng swig-the gangplank access was airless and muggy-Sissy handed the bottle back. ”I'd rather think that we have half our vacation still to come. I loved Venice and Italy, but I am looking forward to the next week even more.”

”I know what I'm looking forward to.”

”Pool games? The Lip Sync contest?” Sissy looked up from the newsletter highlights they'd been handed after their pa.s.sports and booking doc.u.ments had been checked.

Gab gave her a level look.

”Oh.” Sissy flushed. ”Yes, well, the walls were very thin at that bed and breakfast, weren't they?”

”I'm hoping a s.h.i.+p is a lot more private, yes.” Leaning close, Gab whispered, ”I know you don't have as much fun when you have to be so quiet.”

Sissy whispered back, ”It wasn't having to be quiet, it was having to be still. The bed creaked so loudly. I thought it was going to fall apart under us.”

Gab nodded, a smile broadening over her round face. The sun of the last week had put a lovely glow on her cheeks, Sissy mused, making her even more adorable. ”Okay, that did stifle my creativity. I say we go directly to our cabin and do it like rabbits.”

Sissy reveled in the s.h.i.+ver that started in her spine and danced across her shoulders like hot sunlight. ”Okay, it's a deal.”

After a thoughtful pause, Gab muttered, ”The lube is in the luggage and who knows when the stevedores will get it to our room.”

Since it wasn't often that she could zing the far more flirtatious Gab, Sissy just smiled until Gab said, ”What?”

”Honey, we're not going to need lube.” Sissy watched Gab swallow hard, and she smiled with satisfaction.

The queue was long, but finally they stepped past the welcoming line of s.h.i.+p's officers, consulted the map and found the nearest stairs that would lead below deck. Sissy gazed around in awe. Any other time she might have been looking at the lush carpet or the gleaming bra.s.s and marble of the ten-story atrium, or gazing raptly at the sensuous sculpture of dancers suspended in mid-air above their heads. What registered instead were the cl.u.s.ters of women and nothing but women, all kinds of women, every size and shape. Her gaydar started pinging and just wouldn't shut off.

There were at least a hundred women and they were all gay.

Gab said from behind her, ”I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.”

Sissy grabbed Gab's hand and dragged her toward the stair-well. ”Let's go prove it, babe.”

They descended a flight, pa.s.sing a dining room, casino and a series of lounge areas, only to be confronted by a chain across the next stairs down and the polite missive to allow for prompt delivery of your luggage, we request that you remain above deck at the present time.

”Oh, heck.” Gab fiddled with the chain. ”It's only a request. We could still go down.” She rolled her eyes when Sissy giggled over her word choice.

”I don't want to get into trouble our first hour on board,” Sissy said. ”We'll just have to wait, won't we?”

For an answer, Gab leaned her gently against the steel of the door frame and kissed her. It wasn't a light kiss either and, after a moment, Sissy pushed her away with a furtive glance to both sides.

”We're not in Kansas,” Gab repeated. ”If anybody's looking it's because they approve.”

”Oh. Sorry.” Sissy ducked her head. ”Force of habit. Topeka is a long, long way away.”

”Yes, it is,” Gab said, and she kissed Sissy again.

It took a conscious effort to conquer her fear of being seen, but when Gab's hands slid around her hips with a possessive grasp, Sissy gave herself over to the tingling magic that she tried so hard not to let show in public. It was okay here. It was safe here.

”Honey, this is going to be a long wait,” Gab murmured against her lips.

”You got that right. You want to explore?”

”Sure. Let's celebrate with one of those blue drinks with an umbrella in it and check out the pool.”

The Talia Lounge was filled with yet more women, and Sissy tried hard not to gawk. Lesbians, all of them, and most were holding hands or standing close... Shut off the gaydar, she told herself. You don't need it.

Drinks in hand, they wandered through the sumptuous Piazza Casanova then traversed the length of the Cleopatra deck, encountering polite but busy staff bearing the blue and gold logo of the Riviera Andante on their otherwise pristine white uniforms. A number of other women were doing exactly what they were. Every time they pa.s.sed another couple, Sissy had to forcibly restrain herself from the usual elbow nudge she would give Gab at the sight of another pair of lesbians.

A skirl of raucous music drew Sissy's attention to the Medusa Lounge, whose dark entrance was flanked by placards proclaiming that Chain Maille would be performing later. The band photo featured three women in heavy metal leather, two with guitars strapped on suggestively low. A powerfully built brunette emerged from the club and brushed by them, her spiked hair and vivid tattoos making her easy to recognize as the lead guitarist in the band photo.

They were so very definitely not in Kansas anymore.

”Oh my word...” Gab had stopped at a picture window and was looking down to the deck below.

When Sissy joined her she almost couldn't breathe. She finally managed to say, ”How did they all get their swimsuits?”

”Maybe they knew to have them in their canyon stuff. And not everybody has a suit.”

”Oh. Wow.” Twin pools separated by a raised whirlpool were surrounded by women. To the far aft was a water slide arriving from the deck above-two women wrapped around each other toboggan style arrived with a huge splash.

At first Sissy didn't know why she felt... shocked. It wasn't the cl.u.s.ter of topless women, even, that stunned her. It was something more basic. None of these women cared who looked at them as they held hands or kissed. Sissy saw more than one purring as a friend-lover, she told herself, use the right word- rubbed suntan lotion on a bare back. It wasn't that anyone was doing anything she hadn't seen done at any public swimming pool she'd ever spent time at. It's just she'd never seen two women showing that easy and simple familiarity that het couples showed all the time, whether they knew it or not. There was laughter and flirtatious tips of the head, gleaming bodies ... She stepped back abruptly.

”What's wrong?” Gab looked away from the panorama. ”You okay, honey?”

”Yes. I just... wish we could go to our room.” In her head she had no trouble at all imagining every pairing on the pool deck tonight, all those lesbians, having lesbian s.e.x in every stateroom on the s.h.i.+p. Her whole body throbbed at the idea-all that love, all that energy. She felt giddy and high.

”Me too.” Gab's gaze flicked to the wall behind Sissy, and she took Sissy's hand. ”Why wait until we get to our room?”

”Gab! n.o.body's doing it in plain sight.”

”There's a restroom right behind us.” Gab pulled her close and whispered, ”You're all flushed, honey. I can practically smell you. How about a little something to stave off the fever?”

”Gab... we'll get caught.” Even to her own ears, her tone screamed yes.

Gab let go of her and headed for the restroom. Sissy looked after her and then couldn't help but follow.

They were a long way from home and the air seethed with freedom, but that didn't mean they had to get arrested. Did they actually arrest people on cruises?

The restroom was opulent by any standards, with chilled marble walls and floors. It was also quite unoccupied. She followed Gab into the stall at the very end, feeling shy and not at all certain that anything more than frustrating gropes could happen. ”I don't think this is going to work I'm sorry.”