Part 10 (1/2)


Not that those dreams have lost their sway-- Not that my heart hath lost its chords; Still with affection tuned, they play, And leap at friends.h.i.+p's kindly words; But 'tis that to my languid eye A _newness_ from life's scene hath flown, Which once upon the open sky, And o'er the teeming earth, was thrown.


Yes! there IS _something_, which no more In Nature's gorgeous round I find; Something that charm'd in days of yore, And filled with Sabbath peace my mind; Which added l.u.s.tre to the flower, And verdure to the field and tree, And wings to every sunny hour, While roseate health remained with me!


But Time's stern wave hath roll'd along, And now on Manhood's waste I stand, And mourn young Fancy's faded throng Of radiant hopes and visions bland; Yet, kindling o'er my onward way, The light of love divine I see, And hear a voice which seems to say: 'Pilgrim! in Heaven there's rest for thee!'

_May, 1832._



Derivative words in English, as in other languages, are usually formed on regular principles. Some few of them, however, especially those derived from foreign languages, and coming into extensive use, are so corrupted or disguised, as greatly to obscure the derivation.

The following are examples:

1. CHURCH and KIRK: (Anglo-Sax. _circ_ and _cyric_, Germ. _kirche_, old Germ. _chirihha_, Gr. [Greek: kyriakon], as if _the Lord's house_, derived from [Greek: kyrios], _the Lord_, and this from [Greek: kyros], _power_, _authority_;) a Christian temple.

2. CLOWN: (Lat. _colonus_, from the root _col_, to cultivate;) a rustic.

Compare Germ. _Koln_ from Lat. _Colonia Agrippina_; also Lat. _patronus_ from _pater_.

3. DROPSY: (Fr. _hydropisie_, Portug. and Span. _hidropesia_, Ital.

_idropisia_, Lat. _hydrops_ and _hydropisis_, Gr. [Greek: hydrops], derived from [Greek: hydor], water;) a corruption of _hydropsy_, an unnatural collection of water in the body.

4. PARCHMENT: (Fr. _parchemin_, Portug. _pergaminho_, Span. _pergamino_, Ital. _pergamena_; also Germ. and Dutch _pergament_; Lat. _pergamena_, scil. _charta_, Gr. [Greek: Pergamene], scil. [Greek: Charte], from _Pergamus_, a city of Asia Minor;) skin prepared for writing.

5. PERIWIG and PERUKE: (Fr. _perruque_, Span. _peluca_, Ital. _parruca_; also Germ. _perrucke_, Dutch _parruik_, Swed. _peruk_, Dan. _perryk_, Tr.

_percabhaic_, Gael. _pior-bhuic_; from Lat. _pilus_;) an artificial cap of hair.

6. PRIEST: (Anglo-Sax. _priost_, _preost_, Germ. and Dutch _priester_, Iceland _prestr_, Dan. and Swed. _praest_; also old Fr. _prestre_, Fr.

_pretre_, Portug. _presbytero_, Span. _presbitero_, Ital. _prete_, Latin _presbyter_, Gr. [Greek: presbyteros], comparative of [Greek: presbys], old;) one who officiates in sacred offices.

7. RICKETS: (Fr. _rachitis_, Portug. _rachitis_, Span. _raquitis_, Lat.

_rachitis_, Gr. [Greek: rhachitis], from [Greek: rhachis], the back or spine;) a disease of children.