Chapter 8 (1/2)

Ye Zhong's condition wasn't that great at the moment.

When he first stepped out from the c.o.c.kpit, he was soaked from head to toe, as if he had just gotten out of the water.

The after effects didn't just stop there. His arms had seemed fine at first, but he was actually in agony.

It was painful, tormenting him to the bone. The muscle spasms came in waves, attacking his brain. Even though his pain threshold was exceptionally high, he still couldn't help it, but inhaled continuously. His face was contorted in pain.

The weirdest thing was that there was neither any observable swelling or spasms that were happening to his arms. Quite the opposite, those arms didn't even break a sweat.

After helping Ye Zhong do a check-up, Mu Shang, without a tiny change in his expression, told Ye Zhong, ”The after effects from overusing your consciousness was that, the part controlling your arms in your nervous system went beyond the limits of your consciousness and your two arms themselves. Thus, pain was produced, without actual bodily damage. You can recover if you rest enough.”

Ye Zhong's agony was already at the point of in having breathing difficulties, so he replied sarcastically, ”Rest? With this pain? Even if I managed to fall asleep, it will still surely wake me up!”

”Then I have a way to ease your pains.” said Mu Shang

Ye Zhong's eyes glowed ”For real?”, his never ending soreness wouldn't have given him a calm second of his life, but definitely wouldn't have let him die in peace either. So as soon as Mu Shang had offered a quick fix, Ye Zhong acted as if he finally saw the rain after a severe drought.

Mu Shang continued, ”This method doesn't require drugs or injections. It's safe and immediately effective.”

Ye Zhong was beaming upon hearing such news, he interrupted Mu Shang when it took its sweet time talking, ”Ok then, just start already!”

Mu Shang paused, lowered his head and stared at Ye Zhong ”Are you sure that you want to use it?”

Ye Zhong looked back at Mu Shang, the back of his neck felt chilly all of a sudden. But the pain was throbbing so hard that he had resolved to do it, ”I'm sure”

”Bam!” a piercing gust of wind struck his neck artery.

Everything darkened swiftly, the only thought he had before fainting was ”it truly didn't hurt”.

Mu Shang's calm voice echoed in the room ”Task accomplished”.


When Ye Zhong woke up, he could feel that his body, especially his arms, was one beat slower than his thoughts. He felt awkward, unlike before when he could have controlled his body movements easily.

Mu Shang explained, ”It's because your body and mind no longer match. Your mind has advanced, and went beyond your limits. However, your body remains the same, unable to catch up. Thus you will find your body becoming slower, actually, it's your mind that processes faster now.”

Following Mu Shang's advice, Ye Zhong didn't go on the network for a few days, and stayed home to train his body instead, especially his two arms.

He focused his attention to control the six steel b.a.l.l.s in an area of half a square meter. His arms skilfully swung around, his fingers were like a net surrounding the six steel b.a.l.l.s. Those b.a.l.l.s moved within the boundary of his arms with such high speed. They collided repeatedly, with challenging orbits to get hold of.

The steel b.a.l.l.s gained speed, Ye Zhong's forehead was soaked with sweat, and his two arms got faster readily. The more he practiced, the more sweat poured out, and the faster his hands became. That produced an illusion as if steam or fog had been created.

The b.a.l.l.s finally crashed into each other in a series, Ye Zhong couldn't control them any further, and dropped all of them off.

Ye Zhong gasped for air, he was too lazy to pick the b.a.l.l.s that were rolling all over the place. This activity was definitely bothersome.

Mu Shang was sitting nearby, and dropped a comment, ”Maybe this wouldn't please anyone, but it was quite an achievement for you already.”

Ye Zhong ended up continuing his boring and tasteless training. He wondered if Mu had just came up with it just to torment him. However, truthfully, he admired Mu Shang deeply. His arms were now back to normal, but even more agile than of before.

Sitting in Wen Ni's c.o.c.kpit again, the eagerness showed clearly on his face. It had been a while since he had last used a mecha. He felt sentimental when he looked at the worn out Wen Ni.