8 Twin Sword awakening (1/1)

In an open space, hidden within the mountains, a group of men were training, and off to the corner, a boy with black and white hair, and a big man were standing near, a sword rack.

The boy then locks his gaze on two scabbards, He then started walking towards these two scabbards, when he laid his hand on the hilts, the world pulsed. From their worlds core, something was awakening, something powerful, something that has laid down for a trillion years. A secret, that only the most powerful and influential know, it was the awakening ofthe Twin Dragons of Synergy, and the only way for them to awaken, was for someone with powers of light and darkness to hold upon these swords. That was only the first awakening. But alas, no one knows where the swords are, well except for Black Zing.

Black Zing had another heart attack, he couldn't believe what he was seeing, Ryu was standing, with his hands on the two scabbards, and out of nowhere two dragons pop into existence behind him, one black the other white, and you wouldn't believe what they have on their bodies, yes I couldn't believe it either, the former has white specs, and the latter has black spots. These two emitted terrifying auras, polar opposite auras, which felt like it wasn't its final form.

*Once again within Ryu's mind*

”hey brother, we have finally found our successor haven't we.” Says a white and happy dragon

In a dark and gloomy voice ” We have brother”

Ryu,” Why is my mind a place where great beings gather, I just wanna get stronger”

”Hahahah. don't worry with us by your side, conquering your enemies will be easy.” Happy voice

”Before you can do that, you have to know and understand who and what we are” Dark Voice

(A/N : Well, I am lazy so no way in hell am I going to narrate the entire thing, I will release a short chapter regarding their history)

”Oh so the chisa katana is for assassinations, and the O katana is for head on fights, but once I reach a synergy, I can adjust each one to my liking. Wow another goal I have to accomplish, yay for me” Ryu.

*Outside in the real world*

”Ryu, Mind sharing what they said to you” B.Z

*Repeats what was said above*

”mmmh, okay, I guess you will be an assassin and a knight, really conflicting natures if you ask me” B.Z