4 Basic Cultivation Knowledge (1/1)

In a random mountain range, in a building, within a room, a child and man are sitting in a classroom, like teacher and student. Then...

Black Zing has decided to find what Ryu knows about cultivation, and teach him from there.

”What do you know about cultivation” B.Z

”umm.. nothing, and whats cultivation any way” Ryu.

”That is interesting” B.Z. 'shit, master didn't teach him anything. Well I guess more work for me, and hopefully more money.' ”Soo, basically cultivation is, a way of life, or you could say a path way to immortality, any questions?”

”When do we start and what else do I need to know” Ryu 'I will not disappoint my father, I will be strong enough to decide my own fate, after that I don't know what I will do after.' From this simple thought of Ryu-Rei, you can see that he was exponentially smarter and mature than others his age.

B.Z: ” In cultivation there are 9 ranks, with each having sub ranks that go from 1-9. The ranks which

are relevant to you as of now, and they go from lowest to highest are, Body Tempering, Qi Condensation, Soul Condensation, and Vajra Formation. Now to give a basic description of these ranks, body tempering is where you temper your body and make it stronger, Qi condensation is where you form your qi and make it stronger, soul condensation is where you make your Soul strong enough to freely move it around, like controlling objects, and finally Vajra Formation, this is the stage where you choose which path of cultivation you are going to take either soul, body or qi, this what is possible for humans, but the true Vajra stage is where you mix the three paths's. There are also many other factors which affect the speed and purity of your qi and cultivation, such as talent grade and bloodline purity. Talent is graded in 9 ranks, going from Common, Uncommon, Rare, Super Rare, Earth, Sky, Heaven, Knight, and Saint. Saint obviously being the highest. Bloodlines are another thing. For now I will give you a simple cultivation manual, it's one used by everyone, so it doesn't have a special name. Any questions?”


”Ok here you go.” * hands him the manual* ”Go cultivate, your talent grade and bloodline purity will be tested tomorrow.” *leaves while throwing the peace sign*

'ugh, that crazy no life, drops a ton of info and hopes I understand, whatever time to cultivate.” Ryu.

Ryu then starts reading the cultivation manual, he reads 'without yin there is no yang, and without yang there is no yin, what is the true meaning of life, is it to be powerful, to be humble, or to be a king. What is the importance of life, what does power mean to you....' Ryu then ponders on this statement, as he is pondering his mind is becoming stronger, he feels something in the air untouchable but reachable. He starts to pull this weird substance into his body, and moving it, making sure it reaches all parts of his body, without his knowledge B.Z is looking at him in wonder and suprise, with only one thought 'Supreme Legend, Supreme Legend, Supre ... end..... upre.....'