Part 29 (2/2)
The king admitted him at once to the princess's chamber and said to him:
”If you succeed in healing the princess you shall have her in marriage and in addition I shall make you heir to my kingdom.”
The moment the princess was bathed in the healing water she, too, was restored to health and at once the proclamation was sent forth that the princess was recovered and was soon to marry the man who had cured her.
Now when the evil older brother heard who this fortunate man was, he could scarcely contain himself for rage and envy.
”How did that fool get back his sight?” he asked himself. ”What magic secret did he discover that enabled him to heal the princess of leprosy?
Whatever it was he got it under the fir tree for where else could he have got it? I've a good mind to go to the fir tree myself to-night and see what happens.”
The more he thought about it the surer he became that if he went to the fir tree in exactly the same condition as his brother he, too, would have some wonderful good fortune. So when night came he seated himself under the tree, gouged out his eyes with a knife, and then waited to see what would happen. At midnight he heard the Vilas at the spring but their voices were not sweet but shrill and angry.
”Sisters,” they cried to each other, ”have you heard? The princess is healed of leprosy and it was with the water of this, our spring! Who has spied on us?”
”While we were talking last night,” said one, ”some man may have been hiding under the fir tree.”
”Let us see if there is any one there to-night!” cried another.
With that they all rushed to the fir tree and took the man they found sitting there and in a fury tore him to pieces as though he were a bit of old cloth. So that was the end of the wicked older brother. And you will notice that in his hour of need his friend, the Devil, was not on hand to help him.
So after all it was the younger brother who finally inherited all his father's wealth. In addition he married the princess and was made heir to the kingdom. So you see Good is stronger than Evil in this world.
_The Story of the Man Who Understood the Language of the Animals_
There was once a young shepherd, an honest industrious fellow, who pa.s.sed most of his time in the hills looking after his master's flocks.
One afternoon he happened upon a bush which some gipsies had set a-fire.
As he stopped to watch it he heard a strange hissing, whistling sound.
He went as close as he could and in the center of the bush which the flames had not yet reached he saw a snake. It was writhing and trembling in fear.
”Help me, brother!” the snake said. ”Help me and I will reward you richly! I swear I will!”
The shepherd put the end of his crook over the flames and the snake crawled up the crook, up the shepherd's arm, and wound itself about his neck.
It was now the shepherd's turn to be frightened.