Part 2 (1/2)

At first Stefan said no, he wouldn't go, but Militza insisted and finally, to please her, he said he would.

So early the next morning he dressed himself in his fine Sunday s.h.i.+rt with its blue and red embroidery. He put on his bright red Sunday sash and his long s.h.i.+ny boots. Then he mounted his horse and before his brothers were awake rode off to the Tsar's castle.

There he awaited his turn to be admitted to the Princess's chamber. When he came in he was so young and healthy and vigorous that he seemed to bring with him a little of the freshness of outdoors. The first lady-in-waiting looked at him askance for without doubt he was a farmer lad and his table manners probably were not good. Well, he was a farmer lad and for that reason he didn't know that she was first lady-in-waiting. He glanced at her once and thought: ”What an ugly old woman!” and thereafter he didn't think of her at all. He glanced likewise at the Tsar and the Tsar reminded him of a bull of his own. He wasn't afraid of the bull, so why be afraid of the Tsar?

Suddenly he saw the Princess lying in bed with her lovely hair spread out on the pillow like a golden fan and for a moment he couldn't speak.

Then he knelt beside the bed and kissed her hand.

”Princess,” he said, ”I'm not learned and I'm not clever and I don't suppose I can succeed where so many wise men have failed. And even if I do make you laugh you won't have to marry me unless you want to because the reason I really came was to please Militza.”


”Yes, Princess, my little sister, Militza. She loves me very much and so she thinks the stories I tell are funny and she laughs at them. Last night she said to me: 'Stefan, you must go to the Princess and tell her the story that begins: _In my young days when I was an old, old man_.... I think she'll just have to laugh and if she laughs then she can eat and she must be very hungry by this time.'”

”I am,” the Princess said, with a catch in her voice. Then she added: ”I think I like that little sister of yours and I think I like you, too. I wish you would tell me the story that begins: _In my young days when I was an old, old man_....”

”But, Princess, it's a very foolish story.”

”The foolisher, the better!”

Just here the first lady-in-waiting tried to correct the Princess for of course she should have said: ”The more foolish, the better!” but the Tsar shut her up with a black frown and one fierce, ”Wow!”

”Well, then,” Stefan began:

_In my young days when I was an old, old man I used to count my bees every morning. It was easy enough to count the bees but not the beehives because I had too many hives. One day when I finished counting I found that my best bee was missing. At once I saddled a rooster and set out to find him._

”Father!” cried the Princess. ”Did you hear what Stefan said? He said he saddled his rooster!”

”Umph!” muttered the Tsar, and the first lady-in-waiting said severely:

”Princess, do not interrupt! Young man, continue.”

_His track led to the sea which I rode across on a bridge. The first thing I saw on the other side of the sea was my bee. There he was in a field of millet harnessed to a plow. ”That's my bee!” I shouted to the man who was driving him. ”Is that so?” the man said, and without any words he gave me back my bee and handed me a bag of millet to pay for the plowing. I took the bag and tied it securely on the bee. Then I unsaddled the rooster and mounted the bee. The rooster, poor thing, was so tired that I had to take him by the hand and lead him along beside us._

”Father!” the Princess cried, ”did you hear that? He took the rooster by the hand! Isn't that funny!”

”Umph!” grunted the Tsar, and the first lady-in-waiting whispered:

”Hus.h.!.+ Let the young man finis.h.!.+”

_Whilst we were crossing the bridge, the string of the bag broke and all my millet spilled out. When night came I tied the rooster to the bee and lay down on the seash.o.r.e to sleep. During the night some wolves came and killed my bee and when I woke up I found that all the honey had run out of his body. There was so much honey that it rose up and up until it reached the ankles of the valleys and the knees of the mountains. I took a hatchet and swam down to a forest where I found two deer leaping about on one leg. I shot at the deer with my hatchet, killed them, and skinned them. With the skins I made two leather bottles. I filled these with the honey and strapped them over the rooster's back. Then I rode home. I no sooner arrived home than my father was born. ”We must have holy water for the christening,” I said. ”I suppose I must go to heaven to fetch some.” But how was I to get there? I thought of my millet. Sure enough the dampness had made it grow so well that its tops now reached the sky.

So all I had to do was to climb a millet stalk and there I was in heaven. Up there they had mown down some of my millet which they baked into a loaf and were eating with boiled milk. ”That's my millet!” I said. ”What do you want for it?” they asked me. ”I want some holy water to christen my father who has just been born.” So they gave me some holy water and I prepared to descend again to earth. But on earth there was a violent storm going on and the wind carried away my millet. So there I was with no way of getting down. I thought of my hair. It was so long that when I stood up it covered my ears and when I lay down it reached all the way to earth. So I pulled out a hair, tied it to a tree of heaven, and began descending by it. When it grew dark I made a knot in the hair and just sat where I was. It was cold, so I took a needle which I happened to have in my coat, split it up, and lighted a fire with the chips._

”Oh, father!” the Princess cried, ”Stefan says he split a needle into kindling wood! Isn't he funny!”

”If you ask me--” the first lady-in-waiting began, but before she could say more the Tsar reached over and stepped on her toe so hard that she was forced to end her sentence with a little squeally, ”Ouch!” The Princess, you see, was smiling and the Tsar was hoping that presently she would burst into a laugh. So he motioned Stefan to continue.

[Ill.u.s.tration: _Stefan Tells the Princess a Story_]

_Then I lay down beside the fire and fell asleep. While I slept a spark from the fire fell on the hair and burned it through. I fell to earth with such force that I sank into the ground up to my chest. I couldn't budge, so I was forced to go home and get a spade and dig myself out. On the way home I crossed a field_ _where the reapers were cutting corn.