Part 20 (1/2)

”Never mind about the jewel-case!” said Lady Sellingworth.


”It's gone!”

”Gone, my lady!” said the maid, looking aghast. ”Gone where?”

”It was taken at the station in Paris.”

”Taken, my lady! But it was in the carriage by the side of your ladys.h.i.+p! I never left it. I had it in my own hands till your ladys.h.i.+p--”

”I know--I know! Don't say anything more about it. It's gone, and we shall never see it again.”

The maid stared, horrified, and scenting a mystery.

”Get that porter! Make haste!”

They got down from the train. Lady Sellingworth turned to make her way to the s.h.i.+p.

”But, my lady, surely we ought to speak to the police? All your beautiful jewels--”

”The police could do nothing. It is too late! I should only have endless trouble, and no good would come of it.”

”But your ladys.h.i.+p was in the carriage with them!”

”Yes, I know! Now don't say any more about the matter!”

There was something in her tone which struck the maid to silence. She said not another word till they were on the s.h.i.+p.

Then Lady Sellingworth went to the cabin which she had telegraphed for.

”I am going to lie down,” she said. ”You can leave me.”

”Yes, my lady.”

After arranging things in the cabin the maid was about to go when Lady Sellingworth said:

”You have been with me a long time, Henderson. You have been very useful to me. And I think I have been a good mistress to you.”

”Oh, yes, my lady, indeed you have. I would do anything for your ladys.h.i.+p.”

”Would you? Then try to hold your tongue about this unfortunate occurrence. Talking can do no good. I shall not inform the police. The jewels are gone, and I shan't get them back. I have a great dislike of fuss and gossip, and only wish to be left in peace. If you talk, all this is sure to get into the papers. I should hate that.”

”Yes, my lady. But surely the police--”

”It is my business, and no one else's, to decide what is best in this matter. So hold your tongue, if you can. You will not repent it if you do.”

”Yes, my lady. Certainly, my lady.”