Part 12 (1/2)

”Not at all, my son.”

”Ah! you'd best go home, I reckon.”

”What meanest thou?” asked Father Thomas, feeling much amused at the very unusual style of Dan's reception.

”Well!” said Dan, pa.s.sing his fingers through his hair, ”I mean, if that's the way you was fetched up, you don't know the animal you've got to deal with here. There's five dragons i' that house o' mine: and each on 'em's got teeth and claws, and they knows how to use 'em, they does.

If one on 'em wern't a bit better nor t'others, and did not come and stand by me now and then, I should ne'er ha' lived to talk to you this even. Nay, I shouldn't! Best go home, Father, while you've getten a coat on your back, and some hair on your head.”

”Is it so bad as that?”

”Ah, it is!” was Dan's short but emphatic reply.

”But surely, my son, thy wife would never use a man ill that meant her good?”

”Think she'll stop to ask your meanin'?” said Dan, with a contemptuous grunt. ”If she's not changed sin' I come fro' dinner, she'll be a-top of you before you can say 'mercy.' And she's none a comfortable thing to have a-top of you, I give you fair warning.”

”How was she at supper, then?--no better?”

”Supper! I durstn't go in for no supper. I likes hunger better nor a fray. Happen El'nor 'll steal out to me with a crust after dark. She does, sometimes.”

”And how long does it take thy wife to cool down?”

Dan rubbed his forehead with his blackened hand.

”I was wed to her,” said he, ”th' year afore the great frost, if you know when that were--and I'd better have been fruz, a deal. I've had it mortal hot ever since. She's had that time to cool down in, and she's no cooler nor she were then. Rather, if either, t'other way on, I reckon.”

Before Father Thomas could reply, the shrillest scream that had ever met his ears came out of the window of the smithy.

”Ankaret!” it said. ”Ankaret! An-ka-ret!”

”Ha! That's Her!” whispered Dan, as if he were awed by the sound.

An answering scream, as shrill, but scarcely so loud, came from the neighbouring cottage.

”Whatever do you want now?” said the second shriek.

”What dost thou yonder, thou slatternly minx?” returned the first.

”I'll mash every bone of thee, if thou doesn't come in this minute!”

”Then I sha'n't!” shrieked the second voice. ”Two can play at that.”

”Who is Ankaret?” asked Father Thomas of the smith.

”She's th' eldest o' th' dragons--that's our Ank'ret,” said Dan in the same half-frightened whisper. ”If you mun face Her, you'd best do it while Ank'ret's next door: both on 'em's too much for any man. Th'

Angel Gabriel couldn't match the pair on 'em: leastwise, if he comes down to axe me, _I_ sha'n't send him forward. And don't you go and say I sent you, now. For pity's sake, don't!”

Father Thomas walked off, and knocked at the house door. He was beginning to think that if the former part of his task had been easier than he expected, the latter was going to prove more difficult. The door was opened by a young woman.

”Good day, my daughter. Is thy mother within?”

”She's here, Father. Pray you, come in.”