Part 21 (1/2)

The templeshrine.”

A hush fell over the room as the magnitude of what he was saying set in.

”So how do these statues reveal the shrine's location?” Vulture asked.

”With their third eyes,” Jack said, smiling.

”Oh, Jack...” Wizard said. ”You're a genius.”

”What? What do you mean?” Scimitar said.

Jack's eyes glowed as he spoke. ”I imagine if we go to Abu Simbel and carefully calibrate theeye lines from the third eye of each set of statues-of Rameses and of Nefertari-the meeting point of those eye lines will be the location of the first templeshrine.”


THE GROUP MOVE Don to Lab 2, to where the Killing Stone of the Maya sat on its workbench. They all filed in to the observation room that looked into the lab.

Leading the way, Wizard said, ”In addition to the locations of the templeshrines, we need to know thedates by which the Pillars must be placed in them.

”Now, in Laozi's entry chamber in China, Tank and I discovered this reference to the laying of the first Pillar: THE 1ST PILLAR MUST BE INLAID.



”We had previously calculated the Return-being the full return of the Dark Sun, when its...o...b..t brings it to the outer reaches of our solar system-to be the day of next year's vernal equinox, March 20, 2008. Working backward then, we deduced that the first Pillar-duly cleansed-must be set in place by December 10, this year, by the light of the Dark Sun, which means during a t.i.tanic Rising.”

”December 10,” Stretch said drily. ”Tomorrow.”


”Cutting it a little close, aren't we?”

Wizard shrugged as he headed for the door. ”When ancient knowledge is lost, sometimes it is never found in time. We've been very lucky so far. Tank and I were aware of the 2008 deadline, so we thought we had more time than this. We were surprised that the laying of the first two Pillars was required so soon, and so far in advance of the latter four.

Jack? Do you have the Firestone?”

Jack produced the Firestone from its pack, handed it to Wizard.

The old professor then stepped out of the observation room and into an airlocktype doorway, emerging inside Lab 2, now alone with the Killing Stone.

Everyone watched intently through the twoway mirror as Wizard brought the little golden pyramid over to the Killing Stone. Two HDV video cameras whirred in the silence, recording the scene through the gla.s.s. Four more were inside the lab with Wizard, filming the Killing Stone from every angle.

The two stones could not have been more different-the Firestone was ultrasmooth, gold, and glittering the Killing Stone rough and scratched, with dry maroon stains all over it.

And yet somehow they seemed connected. Fas.h.i.+oned by the same maker.

One of the two flat sections on the upper surface of the Killing Stone bore a shallow squareshaped recess that perfectly matched the base of the Firestone.

”OK,”Wizard's voice said over the speakers in the observation room,”I am now going to set the Firestone atop the Killing Stone...”

Slowly and with great reverence, he held the Firestone above the recess in the Killing Stone...

...and then he lowered the pyramidion onto it.

As he gazed through the twoway window, Jack found himself holding his breath.

The Firestone slotted into the recess perfectly, now married to the Killing Stone.

Wizard stepped back.

Nothing happened.

And then the crystal on the Firestone's peak began to glimmer.

An ominous humming began to thrum from the paired stones.

Wizard's eyes went wide.

Then, abruptly, the humming stopped.


No one moved.

But then, in beautiful silence, some symbols on the Killing Stone-individual symbols mixed among the dozens of others carved into it-began to glow dazzling white, one after the other.

One symbol would glow brightly-in total silence-before it went dull again and another shone to life, and another, and another.

A sequence of some kind.

As it played out, the twins jotted down each symbol as it glowed.

”Numbers and Mayan epochs,”Wizard said over the intercom.”Only the numerical symbols for dates are glowing. Crucial dates.”

The sequence went for about forty seconds, before the glowing subsided and both ancient stones resumed their normal appearance once again.

Half an hour later, after Wizard, Tank, and the twins had watched and rewatched the video footage of the event and crunched the numbers, Wizard announced, ”The date from Laozi's chamber is correct. The first Pillar must be set in place during the t.i.tanic Rising just before dawn tomorrow, the 10th of December. The second Pillar must be laid a week from now, on December 17, again during a t.i.tanic Rising.”

”Can you be absolutely sure of your calculations?” Robertson asked.

Tank said, ”Yes, the Mayan calendar has long been synchronized with our own. It is one of the easier primitive calendars to calculate.”

”What about the other four dates?” Robertson asked.

”They are all some way off,” Wizard said, ”three months from now, cl.u.s.tered around the ten days immediately before the Return itself in late March 2008. It seems we face two separate periods of intense activity, one now, one later. If we survive the placing of the first two Pillars over the coming week, we get a period of relief, a hiatus, before in three months' time we face another flurry of activity requiring the placing of four Pillars in the s.p.a.ce of ten days.”

Jack said, ”So unless we get it right this week, we don't even get to play next year?”

”That is correct,” Wizard said.