Chapter 31 (1/2)

31st Critter -- Vs Poison Snakes & Treants

Just hold up, and calm down I can count prime numbers to calm down!


Huh? Wasn't 2 a pri divisible by 2 is not a prime number, hmm? Isn't 2 okay by exception? Huh? Isn't 0 safe? huh?



「Kyui! Kyui! Kyui!」

Mizuki let loose a Windstorm, but it see to surround us and to that end they were dispersing into groups of just two or three coiling together

As the Poison snakes were trying to encircle us in a seht, Boparu held back the Poison Snakes that caht flank by himself

Boparu-san, seriously!?

However, fro closer tobehind us, there were at least two treants whipsawing their branches around

The Treats had highly concealed destructive power to offset their ireat nuether, my companions didn't want to face it

The poison antidote pills do taste TERRIBLE!

nn? Immobile?

I glanced back over my shoulder

With just 2 treants, it was a whipsawing certain death of flailing branches

That high attack power had the strength to reduce HP-specialized Aegis's re HP to 3 with 2 attacks

un, there was considerably ht!

「! Meeeh!?」

Pretending he was done for, Aegis questioned me with hooded eyes as I threw him to the snakes

Despite a voicing disapproval, he prettypossum, wasn't he? Were the Poison Snakes hated that much? Or was it the poison that was hated? Or in the end, was it the poison antidote pills?

It's alright Considering your sturdiness, there won't be an immediate 3 HP decrease from the Poison Snakes Co: to die) I'll have you resolve yourself for the poison antidote pill!

I put thatinto the thumbs-up that I saw him off with Whether or not usted face, he grudgingly turned to intercept the snakes

Un Since there's a point at which Aegis's ability scores fluctuate with his tension In the case of low-tension, the hits will be unavoidable Oh Buddha, spare me


Nn, Mizuki also looks to be turning to backup Aegis, so he probably won't die


Now for the treants to the rear un Lively as usual A whipsaw of certain death, but, as expected, it wasn't reaching Since they are iet if their location is exposed? That is their weak-point

Well, they likely have the highly-concealed destructive power because of that, however seems there's no need for the companions here

Now then, with it like that, the battlefield was divided into two groups and I wondered which I should support

「”Kyui! Kyui! Kyui-!」

「「「Shah, Shah-!?」」」

If I were to go about it properly, I should probably go to back up Boparu as fighting by himself, but is it needed?

Red, scarf-like tracings slicked the ground toward Boparu's pure-white body, and as he danced through the air, with each dive, the screams of Poison Snakes echoed into the forest

The Poison Snakes' attacks were not hitting Boparu And as for Boparu's attacks, they continued to catch the snakes accurately

isn't that guy already totally fine by himself?

With that said, even Boparu has some fatal weak-points

Starting off, the first one is that he can only do physical attacks He would have a hard ti a hand on an opponent that has a rock turtle's physical resistance or the like

The second one is that he only has ultra close-range attacks Since he also can't fly in the sky, there's the likelihood that he can be continually attacked from that direction

The third one is that his defense is thinner than paper This, , is fatal because if he receives even one hit, he will inevitably be on the verge of death If he was unskillful, it's a My life is over! ceremony which is probably even instant death (TN: My life is over! ceremony: 人生オワタ式, from what I can find on the internet this is a 2-chan”It's over!” and running into the ”sea of trees”: Here's the Wikipedia entry) I don't know about enemy area-effect attacks, but if sure-hit attacks and the like coerous

Though conversely, his physical attacks are effective and he won't readily be defeated by an opponent that doesn't possess an area-effect attack which affixes the target's feet to the ground


「Hoh-! Hoh-!」

On Aegis's side, Mizuki was peeling off the Poison Snakes frois's back


It can't be helped, shall I help out over there?


-- Ads -- (Chapter continues below)

《Skill: Water Magic has leveled up》

《Skill: Wand has leveled up》

《Player has leveled up Please choose status increase》

《Summoned Monster: Boparu has leveled up Please choose status increase》

《Summoned Monster: Mizuki has leveled up Please choose status increase》

《Suis has leveled up Please choose status increase》

《Treant seal percentage has become 100》

《Treant sealing completed》


Lv12 → 13

