Chapter 2 (1/2)
2 Hikime – Appraisal
Honestly I underestie-scale VRMMO starts this place is packed Wherever I look there is person, person, and person wearing the sareen from the player marker when you look at the top This crowd is so realistic and made me hard to breathe
[Yu give me your hand!?] (Taku)
[Hmm…?] (Yu)
The moment I was almost sed up in despair, a voice slipped to rabbedover the crowd of poeples head to sparse alley I was dropped…
[Ouch… can you be little gentle?] (Yu)
[At best my hover boots can fly only for 10 seconds] (Taku)
«Player name : Taku sent you friend request – Yes/No?»
«Player name : Taku invite you to party – Yes/No?»
When I raised my head, what entered into my field of vision is effeave the same impression (Gross!!), I knowthat person is Taku Because the hair is reauy (bishounen) I know it because some poeple call me that
Anyway I accepted the invitation
Again, I looking at Taku equipinner clothes, Taku ar dull-silver ar equips from both sides
I want it, that fancy shoes and armor I must admit it!
Player : Taku
Huhter Lv1
[Aric Iron Armor rarity 2
Defense +30 weight 5 endurance value 300
General armor made with Demon Iron
There is a ic resistance when used as material
Magic resistance : ??
[Aric Iron Gauntlet rarity 2
Defense +20 weight 2 endurance value 200
General gauntlet made with Demon Iron
There is a ic resistance when used as material
Magic resistance : ??
[Armor: foot] Hover Boots rarity ??
Defense +?? Weight ?? Endurance value ??
Shoes asus
It is said to give the power to fly in the sky to wearers
Air movement up to ?? Second
Re-use time ?? time
Until the possible re-use : ?? time ?? minute
[Accessories : ring] Anti- paralysis ring rarity 2
Defense +1 weight 0 endurance value 30
Rings with anti-paralysis embedded
There are things to protect the wearers from paralysis
Paralysis resistance : ??
«Skills : Appraisal skill has level-up»
Ouu… large amount of pop-upcame out
And somehow I’m level-up
When I was looking at Taku equipment, the system activated appraisal skill without permission and arbitrary level-up
System-san is nicee…
Unfortunately I don’t understand whether this equip
The rarity of Hover Boot is higher than the others but I can’t see it clearly
How nice… I want it!
[Hey Taku, when I was looking at your equipment the appraisal skill is level-up what is this?] (Yu)
[…] (Taku)
[Hmm?] (Yu)
[Hey Taku what’s the matter?] (Yu)
[Ooiii Taku-san did you find Onii-chan!?] (Sylph)
Girl’s voice coh
[Oh that voice… Tsubasa?] (Yu)
[Yup! Onii-chan] (Sylph)
A girl rushed here,her appereance very similiar to my sister I know
[Ouu… Although I was thinking how if I can’t find him but it was unnecessary] (Taku)
[Onii-chan? Is that really you? Eh why?] (Sylph)
[What is “why”?] (Yu)
[Why you have becoirl?] (Sylph)
[How rude…] (Yu)
We both know in FWO we unable to select gender, what is this idiot saying…
[Onii-chan, did it become Onee-chan?] (Sylph)
[That’s not funny!!] (Yu)
[No no no however you look at, this is a female avatar Have you see your face in the mirror since came here?] (Sylph)
[I h] (Yu)
Geez… I don’t have tie ones so can you stop it already