Part 40 (1/2)

'That makes you feel guilty? That you didn't say the words?'

'Yes. He deserved more. And it's so hard to accept that he's ...' She swallowed hard, unable to give sound to the word. Forcing a smile she brightened, briefly. 'He had such a zest for life, didn't he? And always so witty. Nothing grey about Senta, was there?'

'Nothing grey,' he agreed. 'He lived his life to the full. He fought, loved ...'

'... and died.' She said it swiftly, and fought to hold back the tears.

'Yes, he died. Shemak's b.a.l.l.s, we all die.' Angel sighed, then smiled. 'For myself I've no regrets.

I've had a full life. But it grieves me to know that ... you're here with me now. Everything is ahead of you - or it should be.'

She took his hand. 'We'll be together in the Void. Who knows what adventures await. And maybe he's there ... waiting!'

Another arrow thudded into the table, then Angel heard the sound of boots upon the stairs.

Surging to his feet he drew his sword. As the Gothir swarmed down Angel wrenched the table aside and leapt to meet them, Miriel just behind him.

Angel killed two, Miriel a third and the Gothir fell back. An archer loomed at the top of the stairs. Miriel hurled a knife which lanced into his shoulder, and he dived from sight. Angel backed away and wedged the table across the stairwell. 'Well,' he said, with a wide grin, 'we're not finished yet.'

Striding across the hall he saw the priest Ekodas, kneeling beside the stricken Dardalion. The Abbot was still sleeping and Angel paused. 'How is he?' he asked.

'Dying,' replied Ekodas.

'I thought you had healed the wound.'

'I did, but his heart has given out. It is almost ruptured and the valves are thinner than papyrus.'

It was the first time the two men had spoken since the battle against the beast. Ekodas glanced up, then stood before the former gladiator. 'I am sorry for what happened,' he said. 'I... I 'It was the crystal,' put in Angel, swiftly. 'I know. It had a similar effect on me.'

'Yet you destroyed it.'

'I never had it in my hands. Don't torture yourself, priest.'

'Priest no longer. I am not worthy.'

Tm no judge, Ekodas, but we all have weaknesses. We're made that way.'

The slender priest shook his head. 'That is generous of you. But I watched as your friend died - and I made a pact with evil. Zhu Chao came to me in that chamber. He seemed like ... like a brother of the soul. And for that short time I had such vile dreams. I never realised there was so much ...

darkness inside me. I will walk another path now.' He shrugged. The crystal didn't change me, you see. It merely opened my eyes to what I am.'

Dardalion stirred. 'Ekodas!' The young priest knelt by the Abbot, taking his hand. Angel moved away towards the barricade.

'I am here, my friend,' said Ekodas.

'It... was all... done in faith, my son. And I can feel the others waiting for me. Summon the living for me.'

'There is only Vishna.'

'Ah. Fetch him then.'

'Dardalion, I...'

'You wish to be ... released from your vows. I know.

'The woman, s.h.i.+a.' Dardalion's eyes closed and a spasm of pain twisted his features. 'You are free, Ekodas. Free to wed, free to live ... free to be.'

'I am sorry, Father.'

'You have nothing to be ... sorry for. I sent you down there. I knew your destiny, Ekodas. From the moment she came to the temple there was a bond between you. Know peace, Ekodas ... and ...

the joys of love.' He smiled weakly. 'You have done your duty by me, and by the others. Now ...

fetch Vishna, for time is short.'

Ekodas sent out a pulse and the tall forked-bearded warrior came running from the far side of the hall to kneel beside the dying Abbot. 'I can speak no more,' whispered Dardalion. 'Join me in communion.'

Vishna closed his eyes, and Ekodas knew their two spirits were now united. He made no attempt to join the communion, and waited patiently for it to end. He was holding Dardalion's hand when the Abbot died. Vishna jerked and groaned, then opened his dark eyes.

'What did he say?' asked Ekodas, releasing the hand.

'If we survive I am to travel to Ventria and found a new temple. The Thirty will live on. I am sorry that you will not be accompanying me.'

'I cannot, Vishna. It's gone from me. And, truth to tell, I don't want it back.'

Vishna stood. 'You know, just as he died, and flew from me, I felt the presence of the others - Merlon, Palista, Magnic. All waiting for him. It was wonderful. Truly wonderful.'

Ekodas gazed down on Dardalion's dead face, perfectly still and serene. 'Farewell, Father,' he whispered.

The silence beyond the keep was broken by the sound of distant trumpets.

'The Source be praised,' said Vishna.

'What is it?'

'That is the Gothir signal for withdrawal.' He sat down and closed his eyes, his spirit flying from the keep. Moments later he returned. 'A messenger has come from the Emperor. The siege is lifted.

It is over, Ekodas! We live!'

At the barricade Angel peered into the courtyard. The Gothir were withdrawing in order, silently and in ranks of three. Angel sheathed his sword and turned to the defenders. 'I think you have won, my lads!' he shouted.

Orsa Khan leapt to the barricade and watched the departing soldiers. Swinging to Angel he threw his arms around the gladiator and kissed both his scarred cheeks. The other remaining Nadir surged forward, pulling Angel down and hoisting him to their shoulders, and a great cheer went up.

Watching the scene Miriel smiled, but the smile faded as she gazed around the hall. The dead were lying everywhere. Kesa Khan emerged from the lower stair, leading women and children back to the light. The old shaman approached her.