Part 77 (1/2)
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=The Christ Within.= By Rev. T. RHONDDA WILLIAMS.
”Thoughtful and well written, and can be read with interest and profit.”--_Glasgow Herald._
=Old Pictures in Modern Frames.= By J. G. GREENHOUGH, M.A.
”Bright and unconventional.”--_Glasgow Herald._
=The Taste of Death and the Life of Grace.= By P. T. FORSYTH, M.A., D.D.
”The value of this little book is out of all proportion to its size.
It is a bit of modern religious thinking with a quality entirely its own. The writer is not an echo, but a voice.”--_The Christian World._
=Types of Christian Life.= By E. GRIFFITH-JONES, B.A.
”A thoughtful little book.”--_The Guardian._
=Faith the Beginning, Self-Surrender the Fulfilment, of the Spiritual Life.= By JAMES MARTINEAU, D.D., D.C.L. Second Edition. Sixth Thousand.
”Full of lovely and exalted ethical teaching.”--_The Methodist Times._
=Words by the Wayside.= By GEORGE MATHESON, D.D. Third Edition. Fifth Thousand.
”One of the best gifts of recent literature.”--_The Speaker._
=How to Become Like Christ.= By MARCUS DODS, D.D. Second Edition.
”Characteristic of the author and worthy of his reputation.”--_The North British Daily Mail._
=The Kingdom of the Lord Jesus.= By ALEXANDER MACKENNAL, D.D.
”Marked by spiritual insight, intellectual force, and literary feeling.”--_The Examiner._
=The Way of Life.= By H. ARNOLD THOMAS, M.A.
”Puts with sweet reasonableness the case for undivided allegiance to lofty ideals.”--_The Speaker._
=The s.h.i.+p of the Soul.= By STOPFORD A. BROOKE, M.A.
”A tract for the times. In clear, nervous English Mr. Brooke says many things which need saying.”--_The Star._
=The Christian Life.= By W. M. SINCLAIR, D.D., Archdeacon of London.
”Marked by Dr. Sinclair's characteristic simplicity, earnestness and force.”--_The Scotsman._
=Character Through Inspiration.= By T. T. MUNGER, D.D.
”Admirable for a quiet Sunday at home.”--_Newcastle Daily Leader._