Part 43 (1/2)
Here was a phase of the question that seemed to grow larger and larger the more she looked at it. She would have to keep her eyes and ears open. Perhaps the last word on the subject had not been said. If Gervase was as honourable as she had always believed, then it was wicked of Rufus Sterne to throw out such a base and shameful insinuation. If, on the other hand, Rufus was as black as he had been painted, why this act of chivalry in the defence of the name of some unknown person?
The subject was full of knots and tangles. She would have to wait until some fresh light was thrown upon it.
As the days pa.s.sed away she was pleased to note that Gervase showed no sign of triumph over the downfall of Rufus Sterne. He pointed no moral as he might reasonably have done. He did not come to her and say, ”There, I told you so.” His restraint and reserve were admirable, and she liked him all the better for his silence.
When, at length, she herself alluded to the matter, he spoke with genuine feeling and sympathy.
”I am really sorry for the fellow,” he said. ”Of course, he brought it upon himself. I could not possibly pa.s.s over the a.s.sault in silence. But all the same it is a pity that a man of parts should destroy his own reputation.”
”It seemed a momentary and unaccountable outburst,” she said, reflectively.
He smiled knowingly, and shook his head, but would not venture any further remark on the subject.
Madeline was greatly puzzled. She supposed she had been mistaken. It seemed for once her instincts had led her wrong, her intuitions were at fault. It was a painful discovery to make, and yet there was no other conclusion she could come to. It was impossible to believe that Gervase had deliberately plotted to ruin him, for Gervase, at any rate, was a gentleman.
Yet, somehow, she was never wholly satisfied. In spite of everything her sympathies were still with the accused man. She made no attempt, however, to see him again. She avoided every walk that would lead her across his path. She did her best to put him out of her thoughts and out of her life.
Gervase, meanwhile, played his part with great skill. He no longer pestered her with his attentions, no longer bl.u.s.tered. He felt he was safe now from any rival, and that time was on his side. It was very galling to have to wait so long, his fingers itched to touch her dollars, but he was wise enough to see that he would gain nothing by precipitancy. Madeline was not to be hurried or driven.
As the winter wore slowly away Madeline became more friendly and confidential. She sometimes asked him to take her a walk across the downs. She allowed him also to give her lessons in riding, she sought his advice in numberless little matters, in which she feared to trust her own judgment, and all unconsciously led him to think that the game was entirely in his own hands.
Between the Hall and the village there was little or no intercourse.
Lady Tregony did most of her shopping in Redbourne. It was only the common and inexpensive things of household use that St. Gaved was deemed worthy to supply. Hence it happened that sometimes for a week on the stretch no local news found its way into the Hall.
Occasionally Madeline wondered whether Rufus Sterne after his sad fall, would give up in despair, and go to the bad altogether, or whether he would pull himself together and fight his battle afresh. She wondered, too, whether the scheme or invention in which he had risked his all would prove to be a success or a failure. She sometimes scanned the columns of the local paper, but his name was never mentioned, and somehow she had not the courage to ask anyone who knew him.
The weather continued so cold and cheerless, and so trying to the Captain after his Indian experiences, that it was suggested by Sir Charles that they should spend a month or two in the South of France.
Madeline caught at the idea with great eagerness, and that settled the matter. Both Sir Charles and Gervase were anxious to get her away from St. Gaved, but were not quite certain how it was to be accomplished.
Madeline had grown so sick of London, and so eager to get back again to Trewinion Hall, that they were afraid she would object to going away again so soon.
Gervase glanced at his father knowingly, and his eyes brightened.
That evening father and son discussed affairs in the library.
”I think the way is clear at last,” Sir Charles said, with a smile.
”Yes, I think so,” Gervase answered, pulling at his briar.
”We'll get away as soon as we can, the sooner the better. Under the sunny skies of the Riviera her thoughts will turn to love and matrimony,” and Sir Charles laughed.
”She's grown almost affectionate of late.”
”That is good. If she ever cherished any romantic attachment for that scoundrel Sterne it is at an end.”
”She never mentions his name.”
”And by the time we have been away a week she will have forgotten his existence.”