Part 70 (1/2)

”Oh!” she cried. ”Ain't I the limit? That--that bow was on, and I forgot--me wearin' a red bow on poor Angie's funeral day! Me--oh--”

Her fingers fumbled at the bow, and smarting tears stung her eyes. But Mr. Lux stepped to the blue-gla.s.s vase on the table, snapped a white carnation at the neck, and stuck it in his left coat-lapel; then he tore off a bit of fern and added it as a lacy background. His deep-set eyes were as mellow as sunlight.

”h.e.l.lo!” he whispered, extending both hands and smiling at her until all his teeth showed. ”h.e.l.lo!”

”h.e.l.lo!” she said, like one in a dream.



Lilly raised the gas-flame beneath the coffee-pot and poked with a large three-p.r.o.nged fork at the snapping chops in the skillet. The spark-spark of frying and the purl of boiling water grew madder and merrier, and a haze of blue smoke and steam rose from the little stove.

”I don't see why you can't stay for supper, Loo.”

Miss Lulu Tracy opened her arms wide--like Juliet greeting the lark--and yawned.

”What's the use stickin' round?” she said, in gapey tones. ”What's the use stickin' round where I ain't wanted? Charley ain't got no use for me, and you know it. I'll go over to the room and wait for you.”

”Well, I like that! I guess I can have who I want in my own flat; he isn't bossin' me round--let me tell you that much.” But she did not urge further.

”Oh, my feelin's ain't hurt, Lil. I jest dropped in on my way home from the store to see how things was comin' with you.”

Lilly banged the little oven door shut with the toe of her shoe and, holding her brown-checked ap.r.o.n against her hand for protection, drained hot water from off a pan of jacketed potatoes--a billow of steam mounted to the ceiling, enveloping her.

”I've made up my mind, Loo. There's a whole lot of sense in what you've been saying--an' I'm going to do it.”

”Now remember, Lil, I ain't b.u.t.tin' in--I ain't the kind that b.u.t.ts into other people's business; but, when you come down to the store the other day and I seen how blue you was I got to talkin' before I meant to.

That's the way with me when I get to feelin' sorry for anybody; I ain't always understood.”

”You're just right in everything you said. It ain't like I was a girl that wasn't used to anything. If I do say so myself, there never was a more popular girl in the gloves than I was--you know what refined and genteel friends I had, Loo.”

”That's what I always say--some girls could put up with this all right; but a person that had the swell time an' friends you did--to marry an'

have to settle down like this--it just don't seem right. I always said, the whole time we was chumming together, you was cut out for a society life if ever a girl was. Of course, I ain't saying nothing against Charley, but no fellow can expect a girl like you to stick to this.”

Miss Tracy fanned herself with a folded newspaper; her large, even-featured face glistened with tiny globules of perspiration; her blond hair had lost some of its crimp.

”n.o.body can say I haven't done my duty by Charley, Loo. If ever a girl had a slow time it's been me; but I have been holdin' off, hoping he might get into something else. He ain't never wanted to stick himself; but it just seems like poundin' ragtime is all he's cut out for.”

”A girl's gotta have life--that's what I always say. Just because you're married ain't no sign you're an old woman; but I don't want to poke into your business. If you make up your mind just you come over tonight after he leaves, and you can bunk with me in the old room, just like we used to. Lordy! wasn't them good old times?”

”Don't be surprised to see me, Loo. I ain't never let on to Charley, but it's been in my head a long time. I'd a whole lot rather be back in the department again than watchin' these four walls--I would.”

”It's a darn shame! Why, I'd go clean daffy, Lil, if I had to stick round the way you do. What's the use o' bein' married, I'd like to know!”

”It won't be so easy to get back in the department, I'm afraid.”

”Easy? Why, you can get your old job back like that!” Miss Tracy snapped her fingers with gusto. ”It was only yesterday that an ancient dame with a gla.s.s eye bought a pair of chamois and asked for you--and Skinny heard her, too. He knows you had a good, genteel trade--and watch him grab you back! You ain't no dead one if you have been buried nearly two years.”