Part 51 (1/2)


”She'll be all right in a minute, Mr. Teitlebaum--like her papa she is, always so afraid of a little sickness.”

”Pearlie, ain't you going to look at me?”

She sprang from his light hand on her shoulder, and the tears grew to little globules, trembled, fell. Then a sudden rod of resolution straightened her back.

”We--I been lying to you, Max; I ain't--sick!”


”I--I think I know, little Pearlie!”


”No, no; it's best we tell the truth, mamma.”

”Ya, ya. Oh, my--”

”We--we're in big trouble, Max. Business trouble. The store, ever--ever since the traction--it ain't been the same.”

”I know, little Pearlie. I--”

”Wait a minute, Max. We--we ain't what you maybe think we are. To-morrow two weeks we got to meet creditors and extension notes. We can't pay with even twenty cents on the dollar. We're gone under, Max!”


”We ain't got it to meet them with. Papa--if a man like papa couldn't make it go n.o.body could--”

”Such a man, Mr. Teitlebaum, so honest, so--”

”Shh-h-h, mamma.”

”It's our--my fault, Max. He was afraid even last year, but I--even then I was the one that wanted the expense of the city. Mamma didn't want it--he didn't--it--was me--I--I--”

”My fault, too, Poil--_ach, Gott_, my fault! How I drove him! How I drove him!”

”We--we got to go back home, Max. We're going back and help him to begin over again. We--we been driving him like a pack of wolves. He never could refuse n.o.body nothing. If he thought mamma wanted the moon up he was ready to go for it; even when we was kids he--”

”_Ach_, my husband, such a good provider he's always been! Such a husband!”

”Always we got our way out of him. But to- night--to-night, Max, right here in this chair all _little_ he looked all of a sudden. So little!

His back all crooked and all tired and--and I done it, Max--I ain't what you think I am--oh, G.o.d, I done it!”

”_Ach_, my--”

”Don't cry, mamma. 'Sh-h-h-h! Ain't you ashamed, with Mr. Teitlebaum standing right here? You must excuse her, Max, so terrible upset she is.

'Sh-h-h-h, mamma--'sh-h-h-h! We're going back home and begin over again.

'Sh-h-h-h! You won't have to dress for supper no more like you hate.

We'll be home in time for your strawberry-preserves season, mamma, and rhubarb stew out of the garden, like papa loves. 'Sh-h-h-h! You must excuse her, Max--you must excuse me, too, to-night--you--come some other time--please.”