Chapter 17 Part2 (1/2)
Translator: OkubyouKun
Editor : Fluffthoughts
017 PART 2
She knows of a game route that I don’t know of.
That kind of talk can only be understood by the two us.
[Fumu, even now she seems to be muttering incoherently. You know what it’s about?]
[Yes, I will explain once I get back.]
[You must for certain. You must certainly return. Also, get the numbness off Jule already since he looks like he's going to charge in at any moment.]
Rather, it’s probably better for my brother.
While laughing bitterly, I asked Bellom-sensei to clear out everybody.
[Considering how dangerous Lydi is, there's n.o.body else here but us and the guards…. Could it be, them, too?]
[In case of an attack, please evacuate.] (TN: In case they, too, will get sick.)
[I will go together with Sheryl-kun.]
[Noe can’t.] (S)
[Why!? My body won’t be able to live anymore without you, you know?]
I feel like the way he said it sounds so wrong.
Although there’s no mistake that if I didn’t do the treatment on his body then he won’t be able to live.
[Noe and I who are suffering from the Dreaming Illness can be easily affected by her. I can counter that by activating magic, but it’s impossible for Noe, right? The me right now doesn’t have the leeway to take care of an extra you.]
[No way….]
Towards my words that sound like a blunt rejection, Noe was shocked.
Bellom-sensei who was unable to watch any longer grabbed Noe’s arm.
[A teacher doesn’t make his student take in extra labor.]
[I’m telling you it’s also important to wait for his return.]
[….Sheryl-kun, you must absolutely, absolutely come back, okay?]
With how Noe is looking at me with teary eyes, I feel as if I’m being cursed to not be able to return.
[Yeah, if you wait for me like a good child, I will give you a reward.]
[I will be looking forward to it. Nicole, Sheryl-kun…](TN: He’s asking Nicole to look after Sheryl.)
[Leave it to me.]
After Nicole’s short response*, he gave Noe a long kiss.
The adult Bellom-sensei got them out from my sight.
[Well then, I will evacuate the soldiers. Sheryl, you be careful.]
We saw off Bellom-sensei and Now left the research building together with the soldiers.
Until the end, Noe kept looking back as if his hair was being caught by something.
[Nicole might also get the Dreaming Illness, you know?]
[Once I get sick, the similarities I have with Sheryl-sama will increase. I can already imagine Jule-sama’s frustrated expression.]
[Nicole really is a fool for your master.]
[Is that a compliment?]
While dis.h.i.+ng out frivolous talks, we headed towards the laboratory she’s in.
The soldier has left the key in Nicole’s care a while ago.
[When Sheryl-sama said that we matched when you were cutting your hair before, it felt like I climbed to heaven. Grandfather, too, was happy when you said you looked the same as him back when you had long hair.]
[I didn’t know that.]
It’s a nostalgic story.
It was when I still have no knowledge about the outside world.
Compared to those days, I wonder how much I have grown now.
[I will open it.]
Nicole unlocks the door.
When we entered, her crying face was dyed with amazement.
She was looking at me as if she’s looking at a ghost.
Under her eyes were big shadows.
Her hands were being tied behind her, and although she's sitting on a chair, but her feet seemed to have chains attached to her so she could only do no more than the necessary movements.
Even I'm shocked by their security which was more than I expected. Is it really necessary to go this far just to detain a single girl? Did they see her as dangerous to that extent?
[You were, alive….?]
[I may look like this but I'm unexpectedly st.u.r.dy.]
When I answered, I invoked a magic spell.
[Hii!!! Do, don't kill me…!]
[I won't do something so dangerous. This is a counter-measure for Dreaming Illness.]