Part 4 (1/2)
”Mary, do you suppose that there is any church today like the early church was?” asked Robert.
”I do not know,” said Mary. ”It may be that there is.”
”Do you suppose the 'church of G.o.d,' in whose interests this paper is printed, can be that pure apostolic church?” said Robert. ”What should the true church be called, anyway? This paper says it is 'non-sectarian.' What is a sect? What does 'non-sectarian' mean? Say, Mary, let us set this afternoon apart as a time of investigation of what the Bible has to say about the church. What do you say?”
”Let us do that,” said Mary. ”We have not read the Scriptures at all on this subject. Now, since we wish to find a church home, it would be well to first search the Scriptures; probably the Bible will direct us in this most important step.”
After dinner on that day, Robert and Mary Davis prayerfully and reverently began a study on the New Testament church. They had not, as we have intimated before, made any particular effort to ascertain what the Scriptures had to say about this subject. It was not until circ.u.mstances forced the issue upon them that any particular concern about it entered into their minds. On this day, however, they began a most earnest investigation of the matter. They had determined beforehand to accept whatever the Scriptures had to say about it, and to abide by their teachings.
”I have a concordance ready, Mary,” said Robert, ”so let us begin. May G.o.d direct us in this Bible study.”
”I shall bring the Scripture textbook and the Bible,” said Mary. ”I am ready.”
”I suppose that we may as well take the first text in the concordance,” said Robert. ”It is Matt. 16:18.”
”'And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of h.e.l.l shall not prevail against it,'” read Mary.
”I have heard a few discussions about the 'rock' of this text,” said Robert. ”Some affirm that it means Peter, others that it means Peter's confession, and still others that it means Christ. I do not know which is right, but I believe Christ is the real rock. Anyway, Mary, it teaches that Christ did build a church, doesn't it? and that it should not be overthrown. Read Acts 2:47.”
”'Praising G.o.d and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved,'” read Mary. ”Then the church was built by this time, wasn't it? 'And the Lord added to the church,' Then I wonder if they joined the church? How did the Lord add them?”
”I do not know,” said Robert, ”maybe there was no joining in that day.
It may be that as soon as they were saved they were counted members of the church. There are several texts here in Acts about the church.
'There was a great persecution against the church which was at Jerusalem,' (Acts 8:1); they 'ordained them elders in every church'
(Acts 14:23); Paul 'saluted the church' (Acts 18:22), etc. Well, there was an early church, judging from these texts, which corroborates the words of Jesus who said He would build a church.”
”What was the name of that church?” asked Mary. ”Are there any texts that show what it was called?”
”Let us see. Here is a text--Acts 20:28. See what that verse says,”
replied Robert.
”'Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of G.o.d, which he hath purchased with his own blood,'” said Mary.
”Here is another text--1 Cor. 1:2,” said Robert.
”'Unto the church of G.o.d which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours,'” read Mary.
”Here is another with 'church of G.o.d' in it--1 Cor. 10:32, and another in Gal. 1:13; also one in I Tim. 3:5. All of these have 'church of G.o.d' in them. Oh, yes, I skipped one text in I Cor. 15:9,” said Robert. ”That is a good name. It shows that it is G.o.d's church.”
”What have we learned so far?” asked Mary. ”We have learned that Christ built the church, and that it was named the church of G.o.d. What else can we learn about it? I would like to know who the members were, and how they were made members.”
”Maybe there are Bible answers to these questions,” said Robert. ”See Col. 1:24.”
”'Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his body's sake, which is the church.' This says the church is His body. Are there any texts to explain that?” said Mary.