Part 6 (2/2)

All About Sam Lois Lowry 48320K 2022-07-22

”They probably never had to do a worm before,” Sam whispered back.

Finally, while they watched, the judge with the marking pen wrote on one of the blue ribbons and attached it to the worm box. Then the judges moved on.

Sam and Anastasia dashed to their table.

”Read it to me,” Sam begged. ”I can't read fast enough because I have to sound out all the words.”

Anastasia had the ribbon in her hand and a horrified look on her face.

”First Prize,” she read slowly, ”for Most Invisible Pet.”

And it was true. King of Worms was gone.

”He's bait!” Sam yowled. ”I know he's bait!”

”What on earth are you talking about, Sam?” Anastasia asked. They were walking home from the pet show.

Sam couldn't stop crying. ”King of Worms! I know there must have been someone there who wanted to go fis.h.i.+ng tomorrow! And was looking for bait! And they saw King of Worms and took him!”

Anastasia leaned over and held a crumpled Kleenex to Sam's nose. ”Here,” she said. ”Blow.”

Sam blew his nose. ”They'll put a hook through him,” he wailed.

Anastasia shook her head. ”I don't think so, Sam. I think he ran away. He just didn't want to be in a pet show.”

”Worms can't run,” Sam muttered. ”They only crawl.”

”Well, that's true. They crawl and slither. But that makes them very good at escaping.”

”Why?” Sam asked.

”Because they go underground, and no one can see them. Hey, Sam, you know what? I bet King of Worms is underground right now, maybe right under our feet.”

Sam sniffled, and his face brightened. ”You think so? Under the sidewalk?”

”Sure,” Anastasia said. ”Probably slithering along down there, faster than a speeding bullet. Heading home.”

Sam looked down the street, toward their house. ”Probably he did want to go home, so he wouldn't have to be in a dumb pet show,” he said. ”Would he know the way home? Because I took him in the box, and he couldn't see anything.”

”Oh, sure,” his sister told him. ”Worms have an excellent sense of direction. They're used to finding their way underground, where they can't see.”

”Yeah,” said Sam, starting to smile. ”I bet he's slithering under the street right now. He doesn't even have to stop at the corner and look both ways for cars.”

”He'll probably beat us home,” Anastasia said.

At the corner, they stopped. Sam looked down at the drain that caught the rainwater. He knelt beside it and cupped his hands around his mouth.

”Hey, King of Worms!” he called. ”I know you're down there!”

He listened for a moment. ”I think I hear him,” he said to Anastasia. ”I hear slithering noises.”

When they got to their yard, they went directly to the sandbox where Sam's big tin shovel was lying beside a dented kitchen pot.

”Where do you think he might be, Sam?” asked Anastasia.

Sam thought and then pointed. ”Right here,” he said. ”By this bush.”

Anastasia dug very carefully with Sam's shovel. Sure enough, just a few inches below the surface, they found King of Worms.

”He beat us home,” Sam said happily. ”He should have won First Prize for Fastest Slitherer.”


”It's Monday, Sam,” Mrs. Krupnik said at breakfast. ”Show-and-Tell day at nursery school. Are you going to take your blue ribbon from the pet show?”

”Nope,” Sam said, dragging his spoon through his oatmeal. He liked the way he could open up a ditch and then watch it fill gradually with milk. Sometimes he made Drowning Men out of raisins.

”Why not?” Anastasia asked.

”Because,” Sam explained impatiently, ”Nicky will be there with a dumb blue ribbon for Most Pets. And Adam will bring his First Prize for Cat with Fattest Tail. Everybody will be doing pet show stuff at Show-and-Tell today.”

”Oh,” said his mother. ”I hadn't thought of that. But you're absolutely right.”

”What are you going to take?” Anastasia asked.

”Secret,” said Sam.

But he was fibbing. It wasn't a secret at all. The truth was, Sam couldn't think of anything to take to school for Show-and-Tell. He had this problem almost every single Monday morning.

Sam was good at a lot of stuff. He could count higher and recognize more words than any other kid at nursery school. He knew more songs than almost anybody; he even knew all the words to the songs on his father's Billie Holiday records. (Sam especially liked the part that went, ”I get no kick from champagne, Mere alcohol doesn't thrill me at all”; he always sang that part very loud, even though his parents said, ”What will the neighbors think?”) And he was good at somersaults, and coloring, and building very tall castles out of blocks, and bas.h.i.+ng the castles to the ground afterward.

But he just wasn't any good at all at Show-and-Tell.

Other kids were. A girl named Rosie had brought, one Monday, her new baby brother to Show-and-Tell. Of course her mother had to come along; but Rosie got to hold the baby all by herself, in front of the other kids. She got to tell the baby's namea”Henrya”and when Henry cried, she let all the other kids look into his mouth, so they could see how he had no teeth.

A kid named Kevin had brought things back from a trip to Disney World and took up almost the whole Show-and-Tell time, wearing his Donald Duck hat and telling about the rides and stuff. Kevin had official pilot wings that he got on the airplane; he had them pinned to his sweater, and he wouldn't let the other kids wear them, not even for one minute.

Every Monday, Sam worried about what the other kids would bring to Show-and-Tell. And what he would bring. Nothing he had ever brought seemed to be very good.

Today, after he had finished his oatmeal, he went back up to his bedroom to look around.

There was nothing there but the same old stuff: same old toys, same old books, same old clothes. He didn't even have his pet worm anymore. He and Anastasia had decided that King of Worms probably liked living outdoors, underground, better than in a box in Sam's closet.
