Volume I Part 31 (1/2)
There is a rose in the garden; My child, you are his, and the ring is worn: And the bird sings over the roses.
Tall Margaret sighed and loosened a tress: There is a rose in the garden; Poor comfort she had of her comeliness And the bird sings over the roses.
My mother will sink if this thing be said: There is a rose in the garden; That my first betrothed came thrice to my bed; And the bird sings over the roses.
He died on my shoulder the third cold night: There is a rose in the garden; I dragged his body all through the moonlight: And the bird sings over the roses.
But when I came by my father's door: There is a rose in the garden; I fell in a lump on the stiff dead floor: And the bird sings over the roses.
O neither to heaven, nor yet to h.e.l.l: There is a rose in the garden; Could I follow the lover I loved so well!
And the bird sings over the roses.
The bridesmaids slept in their chambers apart: There is a rose that's ready; Tall Margaret walked with her thumping heart: There's a rose that's ready for clipping.
The frill of her nightgown below the left breast: There is a rose that's ready; Had fall'n like a cloud of the moonlighted West: There's a rose that's ready for clipping.
But where the West-cloud breaks to a star: There is a rose that's ready; Pale Margaret's breast showed a winding scar: There's a rose that's ready for clipping.
O few are the brides with such a sign!
There is a rose that's ready; Though I went mad the fault was mine: There's a rose that's ready for clipping.
I must speak to him under this roof to-night: There is a rose that's ready; I shall burn to death if I speak in the light: There's a rose that's ready for clipping.
O my breast! I must strike you a bloodier wound: There is a rose that's ready; Than when I scored you red and swooned: There's a rose that's ready for clipping.
I will stab my honour under his eye: There is a rose that's ready; Though I bleed to the death, I shall let out the lie: There's a rose that's ready for clipping.
O happy my bridesmaids! white sleep is with you!
There is a rose that's ready; Had he chosen among you he might sleep too!
There's a rose that's ready for clipping.
O happy my bridesmaids! your b.r.e.a.s.t.s are clean: There is a rose that's ready; You carry no mark of what has been!
There's a rose that's ready for clipping.
An hour before the chilly beam: Red rose and white in the garden; The bridegroom started out of a dream: And the bird sings over the roses.
He went to the door, and there espied: Red rose and white in the garden; The figure of his silent bride: And the bird sings over the roses.
He went to the door, and let her in: Red rose and white in the garden; Whiter looked she than a child of sin: And the bird sings over the roses.
She looked so white, she looked so sweet: Red rose and white in the garden; She looked so pure he fell at her feet: And the bird sings over the roses.
He fell at her feet with love and awe: Red rose and white in the garden; A stainless body of light he saw: And the bird sings over the roses.
O Margaret, say you are not of the dead!